I knew I wouldn't be able to keep the babies name secret...the WHOLE time.
So here it is!
Jerod & I have been having a ongoing discussion on what will our first born's
name be. Going back n' forth with names, one's I LOVE, other's I HATE.
I want our children's names to be unique, but some are just way to
Faaaaaaaaaaar out there.
So here is our list & our little game to still keep it all a surprise,
not only for you, but for us too!
IF he has DARK hair & DARK eyes
his name will be...Jett
IF he has BLOND hair & BLUE eyes
his name will be...Liam
IF he has neither of these or a MIX of all these...
example: Blondie w/ brown eyes or bald with green eyes
his name will be...Bennett
Sooooooooo. more then likely his name will be
Mr. Jett James Barrick
Mr. Bennett James Barrick
but we can still hope for a
Mr. Liam James Barrick too!
I LOVE them all..so it doesn't really matter to me..just as long as he is healthy!
If you go to my Baby Barrick Pool you can make your guess on what little man will look like.
And see that I was a LARGE baby with Dark hair & Blue eyes
and Jerod was a PERFECT sized baby (which I'm hoping for) with Dark hair & Dark eyes!
oops, how did I forget the other name JEROD & his clever buddies came up with.
I guess I should mention that if the baby is over 10#'s I agreed (shook on it) that
Jerod could name him
BRICK! What was I thinking....getting a little nervous about this bet.
And the best part, Jerod & his very humorous guy friends think this is great and keep
offering me food! Guess we will find out how big baby is on Monday at our 30 week apt.
Wow, time is flying!
P.S. Babies room, still not touched.