So yesterday @ 36.5 weeks
I started having contractions.
Up to the clinic w/ my mom to see my doctor which sent me to the
hospital for more tests & monitoring.
I told Jerod to stay at work..because I would rather have him take the time
off when baby arrives then sit there watching me in PAIN.
I spent over 6 hours there hooked up to machines for fluids, contractions,
baby heart monitoring, blood drawn, ultra sounds & anti-nausea med's
which had ME and my mom laughing! Lets just say I was feeling GOOD.
~something about the sound of the monitors bleeping had us in tears
you'll have to ask her~
When Jerod finally arrived, doctor came in and gave us the option of staying
and continue getting monitored, or go home and rest! EASY um go home!
Doctor wants us to TRY to wait for at least 2 more days...
1. I will be 37 weeks...FULL TERM
2. With every contraction babies lung become more developed
3. Baby boys lungs mature at a slower rate then baby girls
(I think this may be true for other things too ha)
So home we are! Resting. Still having contractions. Waiting.
Jerod has been super great...maybe to good...won't let me lift or do ANYTHING!
Maybe a little to cautious! Sure makes my mom happy :)
Oh BTW: I have more ultra sound pictures too from yesterday
I have to post them later~camera card is broke~ waiting for new one to arrive...
But the pic's are so funny/cute! Still Breech, no room to move, so his face is
all squished up! and we saw his tooshy too!
Baby is doing GREAT...very active still...doctors were happy to see!
Oh another BTW: Doctor gave me med's to relax and sleep! Jerod said I slept
like a rock last night! Soo refreshed!
I'll take it while I can!
*Jerod informed me I woke the next night...asked if he had a window in his office...
he said no...i niether...then fell back to sleep! I love good drugs:)