This year we brought in New Years a bit different then the past.
We were home
all night long
although this wasn't the original "plan"
because an unexpected guest {the stomach flu} decided to pay me a visit...
it may have been one of my favorite NYE celebrations to yet...
1. a date with two of my favorite men! We spent the day/night playing, eating homemade wild rice soup {simply the best. recipe by Candice}, homemade bread, and 7 up ;)
Breck didn't quite make it to midnight..
he missed it by about hmmm...four hours!
but, neither did his mom who missed it by....40 minutes!
Resolution #1: Spend more nights IN with the boys!
2. it SNOWED! I just love snow and this winter has me a bit bummed out from lack of. So when the BIG FAT WET SNOWFLAKES came swirling down...we headed outside to play!
Resolution #2: Spend more time outside. Winter, summer, spring & fall! Walk, bike, hey why not even run :)
I'm attempting to run a 5K in the Spring
3. Bonding time with the boy! After we got soaked with snow, we came inside, put on warm comfy clothes & snuggled on the couch. Breck loves to read and we have about a thousand books for him, but he always chooses the same three books time after time {Counting, Poppy Barks, & The Hungry Little which they are all memorized by us & even him}
Resolution #3. Take more time for myself to READ! I would LOVE to start a book club and a couple of us have mentioned it a couple of time...but it hasn't quite "stuck" yet! I think it would be great to actually have a reason finish a book, get recommendations for books, and have a little "ladies night out" time too! BTW: I'm reading The Hunger Game Series and I just LOVE it! I am on book two. {if anyone has a Kindle and wants me to borrow them the first book let me know!}
This year:
We took trips to the cabin, Northern & Southern MN to see friends and family.
We celebrated my last year in my 20's, Jerod's 1st anniversary of being 30, & Breck turning 1 with a BIG duck themed birthday.
Two new babies, a niece & nephew.
A beautiful wedding & new sister-in-law.
And tons of other fabulous memories!
We had an AMAZING 2011
and looking forward to an even better