
My weekend was so cool....

Breck had to wear shades!

This weekend was fabulous!
Dinner.....at the new Mexican restaurant Señora's (5 *'s)
Weather.....an amazing 40 degrees in February
Wintercade.... fishing tournament with friends and a "date" with my hubby for the afternoon
Hockey.....Breck went to his cousin Jordon's hockey game with gma Nina while we fishing, then Sunday we watched his other cousin Calvin play
Lazy.....Sunday afternoon and evening!


Yippee for Friday...

WHO doesn't like Friday's?!

We spend our Friday mornings at the Litchfield Library attending story time with Mrs. Pease.
She does an awesome job!
(Anyone can attend & it's free)
We hang out with our buddies,

dance and spin a little,

then sing and play instruments along with Mrs. Pease playing her guitar.

"Story time" is a bit difficult for us at this age...
the ants in our pants get the best of us!

Afterwards we usually stay and play for a bit with friends
and mom's get a chance to chit chat too!
The toys at the library are MUCH more fun then at home! 
Today we were lucky to have an awesome mom,
who brings her awesome camera,
to take pictures of her awesome kids,
because she is just so awesome  like that (and I'm not),
that snuck in a couple pictures of Breck for ME!
I think they are so cute...
and now think I need a better camera :)
Hmmm..my birthday and our anniversary IS coming up!

Happy Friday!
Have a wonderful "SPRING like" weekend.


My Valentine!

Lover's day started off with a something special for my little guy!

with extra
It was all fun & giggles until I blew bubbles and they landed on his face :)

This bubble bath was special because
a). we had a bath for FUN vs. because we needed one
b). we took it in the morning instead of at night like we usually do

Then I surprised him with a big read balloon!
To match his cute red shirt :)

I dropped him off at daycare for his Valentines party, along with his special treats for his friends!
Lips & Mustaches
Isn't that funny?! And cute?!

After work Jerod & I gave Breck his Valentines gift....

He just LOVES fishy fishy
and gives him lots of kisses!

We asked Breck what to call him...
he said "sucker"
and "bubbles"
{we think because he took a buble bath that morning}

For our special Valentines dinner
we had our favorite
wild rice soup,
homemade bread,
and a glass of
White Zin!
{one glass and I was feelin' a little zippy}
While we had our little dinner date...
Breck watched some Mick"a" and rocked on his horse!
{this lasted about 10 minutes}
Since it was a long day,
we were all in bed early!
Oh' my how Valentine's Day has changed,
for the better!
Having my two boys....lucky me!


My new best friend...

Need I say more.
LOVE everything.
Have a wish list/to do list a mile long.
Is very time consuming. (my laundry has taken the hit from it)
But sometimes WE need a break from everyday life and if this is MY out for an hour?!

Window LOVE
My sis, mom, and I got these old windows and have had fun decorating them for the season's & holiday's!
This is my newest, favorite one yet!

Used our Cricut to cut out letters, birds, hearts!

LOVELY February Countdown
I hung this on our wall to count down the days and leave sweet treats inside!
I found the number templates online,
laminated them with contact paper/cupboard liners,
cut out,
added magnet,
and placed on a small cupcake tin!

I used scrapbook paper to trace Breck's hand,
then cut out hearts in different sizes in red & pink.
Valentine's art from my lil' Valentine.

Intresting topic.......

This is the wonderful topic of potty training & poo eek. sorry.

So lately Breck has had some bad diapers, which I assume is from his two year molars coming in. Along with runny nose, cough,  and cranky.

So baths have been given a lot lately to sooth his little tooshy.
I don't mind baths because he PLAYS till he is a prune,
and I usually sit there and play, or sometimes read my book.

Story #1
*Ga-ross mommy moment*
I was reading my book WHILE paying attention to the little fish in the water...
When I looked up
he had something
in his hands,
something errr
YUP, he went potty in the bath!
first time doing this and first time mom,
I didn't know what to do!!
I screamed a little, laughed a little, then freaked out.
Story #2
*Fun for the bath*
We got these awesome water crayons from the Selly's for Halloween
and just pulled them out to play with!
(see the message behind Breck...miss you Selly's)
I like these because they wash right off....and maybe it's a reason to give my bath a little scrub anyways!
And Breck had a blast scribbling on the walls...
let's just hope he doesn't get any ideas for our living room walls now :)

We also had fun drawing on Mr. B!
He drew on his belly and I drew on his face to look like a super hero!
Pretty cute. And fun.

Story #3
*Proud moment turned into nightmare*
So this morning Breck asked to use the potty,
so like usual we stripped him naked and placed him on the pot.
After a few minutes,
Yeah, proud mommy...
we clapped, danced, washed hands (a favorite thing to do)!
As we were going to his room to get dressed for the day
Breck ran the opposite way into the living room....
squatted down,
and took a poo
on living room floor.
Ugggg....not such a proud mommy moment.
Guess it's time for ANOTHER bath :)

Thanks for listening.
And the adventure continues!


A long time coming!

This will be a LONG post:
due to the fact I took almost a month off from blogging
not by choice really....my pictures wouldn't upload!
I had many sleepless nights thinking about how far behind I am....is this some sort of problem?! sleepless nights?!
I've realized.
I'm Hannah Barrick & I am a bloggaholic!
So here are a months worth of pictures squeezed into one giant post.

The daily life of a 21 month old (seems better saying that then almost TWO) booo hooo!
We wake up with a smile & of course pup pup

First word out of lil' man's mouth..."good morning mom, I love you"?  NOPE
We are completely obsessed...ever since we gave our niece one for Christmas!!

and this is what happens when vacuum goes away...
Does it seem weird we take it away? Well, after him saying vacuum thirty million times because he wants it turned on...your vacuum would go night night too :)

These may not seem soo appetizing (not the best picture) but I got this idea on pinterest:
Put eggs in muffin tins for about 20 minutes at 350 degrees!

And potato hash browns!
I just have to say how much I love my cast iron pan I got for Christmas from my hubby. BEST pan EVER!

Some days we don't have the "normal" breakfast foods and instead eat marshmallow cream!
sit on the counters to eat it too!

The ONLY reason this happened is because I was having a bunch of fun mom's and their kiddo's over for a play date/lunch date and I was excited to make a fun desert

2 cups flour
½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
1 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
½ cup softened butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg

½ cup softened butter
1½ cups confectioners' sugar
1 cup marshmallow crème
1 teaspoon vanilla
Red food coloring (optional)

1. Heat the oven to 350°. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt. In a glass measuring cup or small bowl, stir together the buttermilk and vanilla extract.
3. In a large bowl with a hand mixer set at medium speed, beat the butter and sugar until evenly blended, about 1 to 2 minutes. Add the egg, increase the speed to high, and beat until smooth and creamy, about 1 minute more.
4. Pour half the fl our mixture into the butter-sugar mixture, and beat at medium speed until combined. Add the buttermilk mixture and continue beating until just blended. Add the remaining fl our mixture and beat again.
5. Use a cookie scoop or spoon to place a heaping tablespoon of batter on a prepared cookie sheet. Add more mounds of batter, evenly spacing them, until there are nine on each sheet. Slightly fl atten each mound with a spoon.
6. Bake the cakes one sheet at a time for 10 minutes (they should be moist and spongy). Let them cool on the sheet for 2 minutes, then carefully transfer them to a rack to cool completely. Reline the sheets and scoop, shape, and bake the remaining batter.
7. Using an electric mixer at medium-high speed, beat all the fi lling ingredients except the coloring in a medium bowl until evenly blended, about 2 minutes. If you want to give the fi lling a Valentine hue, fold in drops of red food coloring until the desired tint is reached.
8. To make each pie, spoon and spread a heaping tablespoon of the filling onto the bottom of a cake, then gently press another cake on top
After tummies are filled we watch some Mickey or Little Einsteins..
I think they are great little shows for toddlers
Breck LOVES them too.

He sits on his "rocket" (airplane, but calls it rocket I think because it looks like the Einsteins rocket)
and watches his friends!
He even pats his legs when it's time to BLAST OFF!

Oh the joys of being a little boy!

Some days we even venture outside when there's
SNOW to play IN

The other day we went for a walk/sled ride.
I had to stay close to the side to acually pull him on the white stuff!
This day:
we were going through a mud puddle (due to lack of snow)
and he fell out of the sled face first in the puddle.
He cried, I laughed a little, then carried him back to the house!

It's all fun and games until....

it's time to go inside!
He threw himself in the snow...without gloves on

which made him even more mad...
Sometimes life is just not fair for a toddler :)

Some days he goes to daycare too.
He plays with his friends...sometimes nice, sometimes not so nice.
It looks like someone gave him payback by scratching his cheekers....BOYS! ruff and tough!

Other day's we have friends over to play
and share our toys.
(still working on the sharing part)

Breck & I look forward to the kids coming over after school.
Usually I find something to keep them busy and lately with my latest addiction pinterest,
I'm finding some cute cute cute ideas I've been trying!

My cute window display!

Melted crayon hearts!
Tissue paper hearts!

AND of course there is snack time!
Two of my favorites:
Chocolate & baking

My favorite is using cocoa to make homemade brownies & chocolate cakes with chocolate frosting
(recipes on back of cocoa)

Seriously people. Easiest, tastiest brownies!

In the evening we have bath time.
If Breck had his way...
bath time would be EVERY night!

Lately we have been working on brushing teeth.
He stands on his stool while we help brush.

Then he spits in the sink.

And is one proud boy!

And end each night with books and snuggles!
Jerod & I fight over this part of the evening....

What a life!