
End of summer....

We finished our last two weeks of summer with a bang!
Busy. Busy. Busy.
One last dip at the Gaberielson's pool.

Breck is going to miss his big buddy Ellery when she starts at the 6th grade middle school...where has time gone!
Breck attended VBS this year. It worked out perfect, as this was the week that Jerod was gone for work so it kept us both busy.
He was so excited to go and dropped off easily...
as for me,
it was so hard to leave him. Watching him be a big boy and not need his mom...oh boy, the next couple years are going to be tough when he starts preschool then kindergarten.

One evening we went to visit dad in the cities while he was away for work.
We had fun going out for dinner, swimming, and sleeping in the king size bed :)
(below the boys working. Jerod on his computer and Breck hard at work coloring)

The kids had one last lemonade stand of the summer!
Ellery even provided entertainment as she "practiced" her newest hobby
playing the trumpet :)

After a summer of park going in Litchfield...
we decided to try out another park in Delano.
It was super nice and the kids had a blast!

We made our 1st and only trip to the Willmar pool,
a summer favorite that we didn't get to see much of this year!
Like always....FUN.

And on our last day of summer break...
I brought the kids to Lake George splash park in St. Cloud.
Can't wait to go back again and again.
Thinking this is what Litchfield needs instead of the dreams of a big pool/water park?!?!
Cheaper and still provides ton of entertainment for all ages :)

Then we used our money earned from our lemonade stand and WONDERFUL customers and ate lunch at Space Aliens (a first for me).
The food and atmosphere was great.
So kid friendly...and they had a blast playing games and winning some sweet prizes (a whistle that they blew all the way home...woohoo)!

Not sure if they had a blast of a summer.
but I know that I did.
Lots of fun memories with some great kids.
Good bye summer (and hopefully heat), hello fall (back to work and cooler weather)!

Happy Birthday G'pa Tom

Grandpa Tom's birthday was celebrated with the kids stopping out
to the house with root beer floats
and gifts each kid choose from the $ Tree.
Notice the wonderful gifts...
a blow horn,
and a trash grabber!
Lucky guy :)
Along with 20 filled balloons!
"it's not a party without balloons"
He plays along so well to our craziness and the kids just think he is their great big buddy :)
And right before G'pa left to go play softball...
they had a quick dance party in the kitchen!

Love. These. Special. People.

Happy Birthday Dad!



Last night a couple moms and I decided to try out the drive in theater located just outside of town in Litchfield.
Why haven't I ever gone there before????
It was a blast!
Wasn't sure how it would go since the movie didn't start till after 9pm,
but the kids did great...
I think the mom's were the ones ready for bed
(or at least this mom...btw Breck and I both slept in till 8:30am the next morning awwwwwwwwww!)

We loaded up on popcorn and other treats,
parked our chairs in the field,
grabbed our blankets,
and enjoyed!
The best part was when Breck got a burst of energy...
he could just run! And he did!

The girls on the other hand...
sat like angels! Is that the difference between girls and boys?!
The girls snuggled with their moms..so sweet.
Mine, ran back and forth from snuggles with me to running, dancing, and jumping around the field!
Can't wait to go back!
We now have a list of must haves:
*must order the popcorn again...delicious
*must find chewy gob stoppers before we arrive as they don't have them there
*must wear long underwear  and hot chocolate....brrrrrrrrr
*must bring sleeping bags to cuddle in
*must bring a fun group of ladies again!!
What a blast.
This is one of the moms who refused to share her popcorn...
just kidding :)
But look,
I posted first
and it's not a whole months review! ha!


funnies I must remember...

Since he was a babe
he has always watched me get ready in the mornings.
Hair and make up.
This morning while we were outside playing outside Breck went in the house to use the potty (big surprise, as he usually just whips his pants down and goes...poor neighbors).
I came inside to check on him and he was crying.
All because he was putting on my mascara and poked his eye with the wand!!
He did a pretty good job I must say!
Before bed each night we let Breck watch one of favorite tv shows to wind down....
Last night he asked for
Ha, I'm rubbing off on him :)
Jerod just shakes his head.


A picture of our little girl.
Isn't that amazing and great...she's smiling :)
I can't wait to meet her.
Although I feel like we have time,
I'm also anxious to get things done to be prepared.
My husband on the other hand...just feels like we have time.
Wait till he's sweating it painting, moving, and rearranging all by himself because we waited to long :)
I have room ideas ready to go...
lots of pink, brown, cream, turquoise
ohhh the fun of planning for a girl!
(pic's to come)
Over the weekends we tend to relax, take our time, and enjoy our time together!
(Although we should be getting rooms ready...as mentioned above)
This past weekend was amazing.
We did some house work, napped, went out fishing and for a picnic.
These. Are. The. Best. Days.

 Enjoying life.

Family Pictures

Over Litchfield's Watercade festivals we had family pictures taken.
It was my mom's birthday and everyone was home so it was the perfect opportunity to update the family album since the family has grown since ones taken in 2010.

As my dad calls him "Brecker" and grandma and grandpa

The whole clan

All the grandkids
And what our family "normally" looks like!

Where did the summer go????

This summer has just flown by....
Being busy with a house full of kids day after day has had me slacking on the blog front.
So today I decided to mash the whole summer in one post!
Here's what we have been doing to stay busy:
Swimming! Warm days = pool days
Children's Science Museum:
A day at the museum with some great friends!

Annual Tie Dye Day:
Each summer we tie dye. Last year it was towels and this year t shirts!
Messy fun!
Lemonade Stand:
And every summer out per neighbors request...
we have our annual lemonade and cookie sale stand!

Movie Day:
The kids earned enough money from their lemonade stand (from our generous neighbors, friends, and families) to go to Despicable Me 2! Along with popcorn, freezes, and treats!
And in between all the fun...
we have been slowly preparing for baby girl to arrive in November!
My wonderful sweet cousin sent this adorable NB outfit and some bubble gum for the little guy...he was so excited (for the gum that is)!
Birthday Parties:
We celebrated Jerod's 33 birthday!
A pretty low key day (just as he likes it).
Mowing the lawn on his new rider with his favorite little fan, dinner out with family, and cards with friends.

Being a goof ball:
Here my little guy is running away from home!
He got on his scooter, grabbed his glasses and crown and said "I'm running away to Elsa's house" (Elsa is his princess he is going to marry some day)

Whenever we are outside he insists on wearing his life jacket.
I call him Noah, waiting for the flood. Always prepared :)

Since Jerod has been working and staying in the cities from time to time this summer, Mr. B and I have had some quality time together. Including dinner dates followed by ice cream!

Dress Up and Dance Parties:
The kids, when bored, have been keeping entertained by dressing up and blasting the music to bust some moves! Whatever keeps them busy.

Or dressing up as super heroes and saving the world!

Fall like Mornings:
And on mornings like today, we spend all the time we got outside playing!
Boys bike around the driveway, play hockey and baseball, while Ellery and I create chalk art!
(forecast calls for rain tonight...Ellery is bummed)

And after days like those,
we are exhausted and ready for some shut eye!
(at least for this mom)