well if you know me...ALOT of things!
Especially at this point in my life, with baby.
Melt down about a paint color caused me to melt on the floor of the
bathroom while Jeord laughed and said "you look beautiful" only to
look in the mirror and find mascara running down my face....causing
me to laugh at myself!
When I got my H1N1 shot and the nurse in training shot air in my arm
and brother in law tells me my hearts going to blow up, causing me to
hyperventalate in the car almost to pass out! wow...is all i can say now!
I know, I know, I cry over those dog gone Save An Orphan Animal Commericals
with Sarah Mclachlan singing in the background "In the Arms of An Angel"
gets me everytime.
Sorry people, I do applogize! But then you all wouldn't have things to laugh about
now would you!
No but really.
I just want to say that after crying over all these silly things, I really how selfish
it is.
I read NieNie (if you have done so, do! link below, and to understand her story
you have to go back about a year and a half) an AMAZING women, husband,
four children, and extended family who is recovering from a horrible plane
crash and even though she can't do EVERYTHING, she is wonderwomen!
and her sister CJane (also on a link below) wrote today how she misses her sister
who is recovering after more surgeries. I could reread a million times,
NieNie and CJanes' blogs and they just make me sob. So inspiring. Makes you
realize the important things in life. (not just picking out the wrong paint color,
getting the wrong yogurt :), or when family drives you nuts)!
Get over it..quick.
Family vaca in Duluth 4th of July 2009!
Think it needs to be done again!
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