I shop at Walmart...Jerod would say too much to often.
But our family has this joke...along with many others
"People of Walmart"
we send each other emails at work for a good laugh
~now you can enjoy too, yah, your welcome, no problem~
And Saturday's or 5:00Pm quitin' time I immediately put on
my lounging clothes and go out in public/or to my parents
house...dad zings me with a "you going to Walmart" comment
translating into..."You look like hell" I laugh!
Anyways...tonight I experienced a true life "People of Walmart"
Yes, here in Litchfield MN.
I still am shocked & laughing!
So mom and I ran to Walmart to pick up a few things...I was in
aisle 5 and she was in aisle 12 checking out. I get done mom waves
me down...I find out she forgot her check card and has no way of paying...
so after we run to costumer service so I can pay for them, we are on
our way out the door.
Then this "Person of Walmart" comes up to mom...(she had noticed he
was behind her in aisle 12 huffing and puffing while she struggled to pay)
He had waited for her to say this:
Idiot: "what was your problem" not in a nice tone!
mom: "I forgot my check card"
Idiot: "Every time I come out here I get stuck in line for 20 min. because
of people like YOU"
As he continues to babble and rant on and on and on...
quick witted mom says "That's a bummer" and walks away
while I stand there staring at this idiot, jaw dropped, because
I can't believe this! Tooooooooo Funnnnnnny!
She was to nice.
I said that she was lucky it was her and not me because I might
have told him to F*&# off.... (sorry people)!
We decided there should be a new website..
not just photo's of People of Walmart
but dumb comments from People of Walmart!
I just had to share this...because I'm still laughing! Crazy People!
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