we now give him cereal twice a day because he
LOVES his bottle and can drink lots lots lots.
& mom and dad are broke broke broke :) ha! No, but he is much happier with food!
such a funny boy.
He is pretty pro at this eating thing...
besides the sucking the spoon, bitting down on the spoon, blowing raspberries with
food in his mouth all over mom and dad...but BESIDES that...he's pro!
He's such a funny boy! Look at those expressions!
and looking at these pictures, he is definatly getting darker hair & eyes..
maybe he will have his dad's features...ohhh goodie!
I JUST can't get ENOUGH of him. can you tell :)
so much so that when its time to put him to bed i get sad.
and i must give a big hug & smooch before laying him down...
just ask Jerod what happens if he "forgets" to do this!
BTW. watched Grey's last night (last years sesion finale) wow.
So sad, I was bawling and just wanted to go pick Breck up and
hug him. But resisted after going in his room and seeing him snuggled
up, butt in the air, in la la land. I heart him.
4.5 months
Agreed! With not being able to get enough! I was so excited this morning (Saturday) that I don't hae to be apart from Cory for two WHOLE days...yay! Also, I watched Grey's too again on Thursday- so intense! That was a great finale wasn't it? I'm so excited for the season to start.