This is the pedal Pub we rode on for Jerod, Jeff, and Shane's
30th Birthday Celebration!
Pedal Pub info found here
and here are the people who helped us celebrate!
Jerod was feeling GOOD on the way home...wearing my shades!
Now the details!
For Jerod's 30th Birthday: July 27th
For Jerod's 30th Birthday: July 27th
we didn't do party, no friends, nothing! I think I kind of made him feel bad...
but I knew we were doing the pedal pub a couple weeks later...he didn't!
So he THOUGHT we were going to the State Fair...and wasn't to thrilled about it. But was
going along with it since we were going with The Baalson's & Johnson's!
(BTW everyone else knew the details..was suppose to be a surprise for the other boys too
but do to circumstances they had to find out early, but still went along with it)
So we get to the cities...
suppose to be on a time schedule..Pedal Pub started at's 12:20 and we are lost!
This is when Jerod started to figure it out! "I didn't know the State Fair was in the middle
of town" he would say sarcasticlly!
Finally find our location (started in Downtown Minneapolis) get out and see the pedal
pub parked on the road and 10 of our friends waiting to celebrate their birthdays!
Details of the pedal pub: You sit on this large cart, everyone facing each other with bar top
room in the middle for the "bar tender" (thanks Missy for being pregnant and being our
waitress) Everyone pedals as the driver (provided by the pedal pub company) drives
us around town to bar hop! It was pretty funny because we rode on the MAIN roads/
hwy's so we had cars in front and back of us as we are going 7 miles per hour!
They would point, laugh, wave, and take pictures of us!
They would point, laugh, wave, and take pictures of us!
I also had to jump off in the middle of the road and run down the street to get them
because Shannon lost her sunglasses!
We did this for two hours!
Then we all drove back to Ltichfield for another sup rise party at the Saterlee house!
With roasts, salads, keg, and cake!
After allot of secret planning, I think it was a success!
Happy 30th My LOve.
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