
And he's


He started to take steps at the beginning of the week

with the help and encouragement of his dad.


then two..

then I put a stop to it, telling Jerod to STOP making him walk ;)

first off because I don't want my BABY walking

{that makes him a big boy}

second because we couldn't find our battery charger

{I'm THAT mom that must tape every milestone}

GUESS what.

I found the charger. Battery charged. Ready to tape his first STEP {step as in one or two}

and then...

he amazes us and takes ten! YAHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh

proud parents of our walking nine months fourteen day old ~


  1. Oh my gosh! He is too little to walk!!!! That was the cutest thing EVER!!! And the song that came on was so cute to go with it! Congrats on the walking, how exciting!

  2. WOW!!!! 9 months! Good luck to you guys!!! hahaha I love it!

  3. wooo hooo!
    what a cutie! and such a good walker!
    ha. funny. especially to know that my baby who is 5 days short of being 11 months has yet to crawl... and has ZERO walking instincts right now.

    congrats on your walking baby!!

  4. He is getting so big, too fast! Congrats on this amazing milestone and getting to witness every second of it!! Miss you guys
