
April showers...

should bring May flowers?!?

but unfortunately...

it's been freezing cold out & no fun!

Where is SPRING?

Jerod built this gate on our back deck so Breck & I can hang out and play on the deck!

LOVE it.

Perfect for summer! I had my last program today and have less then one month left of work & then I get off for the summer for fun in the sun with Breck, Ellery & Calvin!

Today it was 44 degrees

Snow flakes in the a.m

but after dinner the sun made it's appearance! So Breck & I went for a wagon ride & played on the deck.

He LOVE to run back and forth

and spin around in circles till he is dizzy and his little eyes go crazy and he falls over!

Then he laughs...

and does it again!

I'm bummed to not have special blogs from: Easter/birthday party & 1st birthday pictures up yet...

and it bothers me that it won't be in order but,

I NEED to blog {I have the shakes from not doing it for over a week}

SOoooo...enjoy my new posts

and I HOPE HOPE HOPE to have up my special blogs soon!

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