
Little bity Twins Fan......

Jerod and I went to a Twins game with some friends about a month ago and had a
blast. I always enjoy watching a game with a cold beverage, oversized servings of
good food, and a large crowd with cheering fans! Thats exactly how this game was
...it was the 2nd to last game in the dome and we were lucky enough to be there!
Very excited to go to a game next summer OUTDOORS!

This was the LAST baseball game at the metrodome to:

to eat a giant sized prezel...in which I devoured...I shared, some of it!
sing my heart out to Take Me Out To The Ball Game

pay $25.00 for vallet parking because it was SO crazy to park

be a married women with no children!

Thats RIGHT...we are having a baby! SO next year at the outdoor stadium
we can bring our little Twin's fan!! and BaBy already has Twin's gear to wear
thanks to my sister who found the cutest Twin's on onesie and gave it to me more
then a year ago!! BaBy's already a fan...he/she doesn't even know it yet!


Dancing a little jig...or something!

Thats just what my dad is doing on this United Way of Central Minnesota
Campaign video that was done last winter. I think this is just to good not to share
with everyone because this sums up MY DAD! He was the perfect canidate for
being part of the United Way campaign dance moves to represent LITCHFIELD!
I wanted to post this so then I will always have this link to look back at and see the
humour of my dad that makes everyone smile :) and it's for a great cause!

Fan reviews
"what a ham"
"was he a former Big 10 Drum Major for the Gophers Marching Band"
"future on dancing with the stars"
"Tom is awsome"
"NIce moves"

So this is where the family gets our dance moves? Runs in the family I guess!
Maybe we could all use some lessons...anyone intrested?!

Check out the video: dad's @ 3:40