
The great outdoors...

Today we FINALLY made a trip outside to play!
We have been waiting for snow and although we only have a small amount...we'll take it,
and the temperatures are perfect...not to warm {so there's no snow" not to cold {won't freeze our tooshies off}
I still bundled Breck up to head outside with his cousins.
Jerod was making fun of me saying he looks like the little boy on Christmas Story
P.S. I copied a blog mom by putting on his gloves,
then a pair of his dad's wool socks to keep his gloves on!!BEST idea ever!

We explored.
Until our cousin's came to play.

Then sled rides and snow angels.

After over an hour of playing we came indoors for hot cocoa & snuggles because our little toesies were freeeeezing!

I hope there are more fun days like this.
I heart winter!


sick days

My POOR baby was sick this last week :(
Ears, turned into cold and runny nose, turned into
We had lots and lots of snuggle time,
which is usually my favorite, but not when it includes a sick and feverish lil' one.
but, I felt NEEDED and that I love.
We had to go visit the doctor.
So we bundled up tight to fight the cold outdoors
{a huge weather change of 40 degree swing from Monday to Thursday}
Although he wasn't feeling well...
he was still his silly crazy self and insisted on wearing my sunglasses to see the doctor!
After a GOOD night's sleep and a wicked case of bed head...
Breck woke up feeling 95% better.
Then an AMAZING afternoon nap and a nappy wild hair do..
he woke up feeling 99% better!
SLEEP, it's key to feeling better :)

The afternoon he spent playing with his dinosaurs.
Lining them up, then having them fall off the table, over and over again!

We are sooo happy he is feeling better, he had us worried for a bit.
He's almost back to his wild and crazy toddler self!

beep beep...

This boy loves cars.
Little cars, real cars, loud cars...
this cozy coop car he got for Christmas
that only took his dad a month after to get it finally put together!
Sometimes in the morning he watches his toons while sitting in it.
And sometimes he pushes his puppies around the house in it.

We are looking forward to using this summer for walks around the blocks!
While Ellery is was here one day,
her and I were painting our nails and Breck wanted IN on it too.

So Ellery painted one fingernail blue...
He was thrilled...
and surprisingly sat still while it dried and helped Ellery blow on it!

He was so proud of his blue nail :)
I think it's "just fine"
Jerod....that's another story!
He'll be surprised someday when he finds his little toesies painted blue!


AND another new blog :)

I've added another blog to my list
This blog is all about craft ideas, home improvements, kids stuff, baking & cooking....a mix of a bit of everything!
I have found that I'm addicted to Pinterest and all the amazing ideas, so along with "pinning" them on that website, I've added them to my new blog.
The idea behind it is that I always find neat ideas while searching the Internet, but soon forget about them.
NOW I am posting them on this new website and my "plan" is to try them out,
then post what I'VE done,
then check it off my list!
{The one problem I've found...I already have a LARGE "to do" list posted on my site"}
Wish me luck.


A NEW..Years post

This year we brought in New Years a bit different then the past.
We were home
all night long

although this wasn't the original "plan"
because an unexpected guest {the stomach flu} decided to pay me a visit...

it may have been one of my favorite NYE celebrations to yet...
1. a date with two of my favorite men! We spent the day/night playing, eating homemade wild rice soup {simply the best. recipe by Candice}, homemade bread, and 7 up ;)
Breck didn't quite make it to midnight..
he missed it by about hmmm...four hours!
but, neither did his mom who missed it by....40 minutes!

Resolution #1: Spend more nights IN with the boys!
2. it SNOWED! I just love snow and this winter has me a bit bummed out from lack of. So when the BIG FAT WET SNOWFLAKES came swirling down...we headed outside to play!
Resolution #2: Spend more time outside. Winter, summer, spring & fall! Walk, bike, hey why not even run :)
I'm attempting to run a 5K in the Spring

3. Bonding time with the boy!  After we got soaked with snow, we came inside, put on warm comfy clothes & snuggled on the couch.  Breck loves to read and we have about a thousand books for him, but he always chooses the same three books time after time {Counting, Poppy Barks, & The Hungry Little Caterpillar..in which they are all memorized by us & even him}

Resolution #3. Take more time for myself to READ!  I would LOVE to start a book club and a couple of us have mentioned it a couple of time...but it hasn't quite "stuck" yet! I think it would be great to actually have a reason finish a book, get recommendations for books, and have a little "ladies night out" time too!  BTW: I'm reading The Hunger Game Series and I just LOVE it! I am on book two. {if anyone has a Kindle and wants me to borrow them the first book let me know!}

This year:
We took trips to the cabin, Northern & Southern MN to see friends and family.
We celebrated my last year in my 20's, Jerod's 1st anniversary of being 30, & Breck turning 1 with a BIG duck themed birthday.
Two new babies, a niece & nephew.
A beautiful wedding & new sister-in-law.
And tons of other fabulous memories!

We had an AMAZING 2011
and looking forward to an even better


un-snow days......

 During Christmas break the kids were at my house a few days to hang out and play.
I'm always trying to find things to do with them,
to keep them busy and entertained.
Usually I would shove them outside to play in the snow,
but none to be found!

So this day:
we made crazy hair!
spiky                    wavy                spiky
 They thought this was great!
A little gel
a triple curling iron
For lunch we made homemade pizza
with a twist!
WE took cookie cutters and made our individual holiday pizza's!
Added some cheese and pepperoni,
baked them,
devoured them!

This little guy had two gingerbread men pizza's!
Ellery had a giant heart,
and Calvin had two giant ice cream cone shaped pizza's!
{I ate the leftovers...a gingerbread man head, part of a star, and part of a heart}
They kept busy all day with all the new toys!
And as you can see...

I kept busy playing with my new Ipod
messing around with all the funky settings :)

Christmas with the Barricks'

Christmas Day we gathered at Josh & Jina's place in Shokapee.
They made a wonderful dinner,
and snacks! 
The little boys ran around the house like mad men,
while the big boys played darts outside in the garage.
Breck got so much nice stuff
including a hockey net, hockey stick, pucks/balls....
and big boy potty!
Something we have been working on
and he is doing soo good
{some days better then others}
It was a FUN Christmas day spent with the family!

*more pictures to come when I get them from other familie members since I asked my husband to take pictures and he only took video.

The JOY of Christmas morning...

I think I may have been more excited then Mr. B

I was up at 7:30, our usual time...
and B slept in till 8:45!

This year was SO much fun,
with a toddler,
who was excited about the gifts Mr. Clause brought for him :)
A stocking
full of...

cars, footballs, a red flute, sippy cups, and sporks!

Jerod & I got him this cute airplane bean bag chair/toy!
He calls his rocket,
I think because he watches Little Einstein's and sings the theme song
"we're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship"

Chillin' with his spork and cup!

Then he trotted around the house with his new tool set from his great aunt & uncle & cousin's!
He loves to "fic" things!

 It took a lot of convincing to get him to take off his new John Deere hat & Elmo slippers!

Jerod bought Breck this amazing toy popper...
story behind this:
Yesterday when Maizy opened up her new vacuum from Barrick/Jones'...
Breck immediately fell in love with it {even though when I pull out the vacuum at home he screams and sits on the couch not moving an inch till I'm done"}

So Jerod went to look for one for him and couldn't find it,
so he bought this instead!
It SEEMS to do the trick,
although sometimes he brings it to us and says vacuum??? {like really dad, this isn't a vacuum durr}

Our morning was great!
We sat around playing with our new toys,
eating breakfast,
and enjoying Christmas morning day!

Celebration of Christmas

with the
Smith Family!

We celebrated a little early this year so the whole family could be together.
and why wouldn't g'ma & g'pa start the kids out with a gift of a
ginormous Hershey bar!
i know remember why the kids didn't want to go to bed...
sugar high!

The stinkin' cute nieces & nephews:
from chubby round cheeks,
all blonde's,
and so far blue eyes??
Smith gene's must be strong!
Waiting for Santa with g'pa!
See his little eye in the corner of the window?!
This was put on my deck a couple years ago..
and now I've returned the favor :)
And these people?!
They are my family.
This year we had an ugly sweater party..
this just added to the craziness of my family
but we sure had fun!

We play the "white elephant game" every year.
Some of the best gifts this year were the John Deere suspenders given to Brian
{pretty sure my brother's "helped" him attach them...along with a wedge}
and my gift of mustaches!
Every year..so much fun

Everyone left on Saturday afternoon to get to other families houses to celebrate.
It's so sad when everyone has to leave and seems as though the time has gone to fast.
But, we have so much fun and have so many memories to last until next year!

family picture 2011

After we went home for a quick nap
we met the family at church for the candle lit service..
then back to mom & dad's for left overs!!
Dad's Christmas mojito drink,
and some games!
Then home early to bed....
to wait for Santa to come and open gifts at home from each other
and another busy day of Christmas with the Barrick's!
