
My Love for Christmas!

"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" la la la!

For those of you that don't know...now you do...I LOVE Christmas!

I look forward to the music played 24-7 and just informed I can tune into
102.9 & 107.9 already pre-set on my radios!

Can't wait to decorate the outside with lights galore....if only the ppl would
come finish our siding so I (Jerod) could get on that!

Want to go cut done a REAL Christmas tree...but still trying to convice Jerod,
friends, family, seems like the whole world that a real tree is the only way!

And decorating the house with Christmas with santa's, snowmen, bells,
ribbons, maybe even bowballs (if my cousin's would just let me know what
one was)! I'm sure Jerod would be very excited too!

Also hoping for another year of my beautiful friends getting together in thier
outragously ugly Christmas sweaters along with good food and beverages
(apple cider for me)!

Now all we need is SnOw...sNoW...SnOw!

The Smith side of the family is growing and growing so for the last few years
we have been doing games/drawing to exchange a gift with one person instead
of buying for 10 +! This year to mix it up we drew names and we have to get
a $10-$20 gift for that person, but the tricky part is it has to be something
that goes with thier initals! So Hannah Barrick...they have to find a gift that
starts with an H & B so a Hand Bag, or a Huge Bra (my mom got my name
and those were some of her ideas...nice
huh)! So you get the point...but I got my brother Ty's GF Zarie VonderHaar!
Z-V-H/Z-V?! So I'm asking for help...ideas...help. Anyone?! Much thanks! xoxo


~Thanksgiving Day at mom & dads with all the Smith cousin's & second cousin's~
Zach,Brian,Stacie,Calvin,Zarie,Ty, Hannah,Maizy,Nicole,Ellery,Miah,Patty

My Thanksgiving vacation went like this~

Two Thanksgiving feasts in the same day filled with turkey, mashed potatoes
+ gravy, stuffing, and DON'T hold the desert!

Three adults/four children in the "Lightning Bolt" for movie and Christmas
sing along! Don't forget the bag of popcorn!

Three pound "Hero Burger Challenge" that caused leg cramps! Way to go Jeff!
Not by me, but yes we it involved us eating out again!

Twelve Thirty lunch date with friends! Got to see and hold the cutest chubby
2 month baby boy Brock...makes me want my baby NOW! and of course lunch
out again again!

Thirty'ith suprise birthday party that was a sucess for all! Happy Birthday Sarah!
Of course filled with yummy appitizers and birthday cake!

Eight friends getting together for night of board games and an unexpected game
of "hide n' seek"! As Ros continued serving us food throughout the night!

One wall getting painted TWICE after a small meltdown...one of many to come
is what they say! Hmm this one didnt' involve food, but I'm sure I thought about
it while I painted!

Two naps on a Sunday afternoon with the husband watching football...and I STILL
slept through the night! This is after I finished off half of a pizza!

All in all...it was a wonderful four day weekend break making me thankful for my
life, family, friends, health and happiness!

Sixteen week appointment today and was SURPRISED by~

Zero weight gain! It can't be did you see what I ate above! I'm sure it will all
come at once..so I shouldn't brag now!

One Hundred Fifty beats per minute! Tried to hear the little one move around,
but she/he wasn't in the mood! Still AmAzInG..
Everything is on track!

Three weeks till we find out the gender....right before CHRISTMAS!! Sooooo Happy!
Let's hope the baby wants us to know :)


i HEART baby!

On October 5th we had our first doctors apt at 8 weeks! It was so exciting to visit
with our doctor, ask questions relieving some of our concerns, and SEE the baby
and the HEARTBEATING! It made it so real seeing that tiny little flutter of the heart!
Which was a strong heartbeat of 151. Jerod was with me for the apt but unable to
make it to our short noticed ultra-sound that day, but I got to bring home pictures
to show him! At that point I told our families...but tried and almost achieved
waiting to tell our friends till closer to 10 weeks!
Yesterday we had our second apt at 12 weeks! We got to ask more questions....find
out if this or that is normal (which it all is) and chat with our doctor whom I love!
She's great! We also got to HEAR the heartbeat and Jerod was there too! It was
amazing...and a racing heartbeat of 170 (wives tail says it's a GIRL) but would be
happy with either as long as we are all healthy! I guess we will have to wait to find
out in 8 weeks right @ Christmas Time!

It's ALL so NEW and exciting I want to share it all and get all the good advise!

Our Anniversary Gift

Jerod and I got married May 12, 2007! Which seems like light years ago since
we have been "together" since 1999 and took 8 years to make it official. So those
of you discouraged with your man and the "commitment issue" don't worry it
may happen someday...like after 8 years of dating! Actually the last five years
and continuing on EVERYONE seems to be getting married. This year I have
the honor of being a bridesmaid in 2 of the 5 weddings taking place from
December~September! One being in February and 6 months pregnant....
Soooo lets hope I'm not to big at that point and can fit into slimming black dress!!
Good luck to me :) and the other being this summer...3 months post baby...
I hear the ching ching of money going to the gym! Which brings me to the point
of this post!

So for our THREE year anniversary this year I was thinking it would be nice
get-away! Even if it meant just driving to the middle of anywhere for a mini
vacation! BUT that doesn't seem to be in the plans this year because of a better
ANNIVERSARY GIFT.....A BABY! We are due May 15th! What a perfect present
to ourselves!