
Just have to share..

This boy,
and his funny personality,
having me laughing and sharing stories all the time.
(I) think he is so funny!
The other morning he was pushing around his lawn mower
yelling "watch out mommy, I snow blowing"
I look over to see my potato masher used like this! 

Then there is the time I come down stairs and find him watching Elmo's World like this.
Do we need to start saving now for glasses??

This past weekend I was lucky enough to have a gals weekend/bachelorette party
in Brainard at Grand View Lodge. 
and planning another trip soon.
It was so nice, relaxing, and fun.
Some of us ladies went down to the bar for a morning beverage
(we tried sleeping in and were all up at 8:15 plus...because we could. We were on vaca)
I tried my first
Bloody Mary 
And decided I will forever stick to my good old Coors Light!

I had a blast,
but of course missed my boys back at home.
When I talked to Breck on the phone both nights before bed he kept saying 
"your at a friends house? did you bring your coat...it's cold"
Aww..melts my heart.
So of course I had to bring home my little man a little memento
(also, to help gain some mom points for being gone)
He has slept with his telescope and chap stick for the past week.
Even when I check on him in the middle of the night he has his little fingers
clenched around them! So funny. I win.

So it's not like I'm gone ALL the time,
but last night I ran to a friends Norwex party for a short bit.
When I was putting on my coat Breck says
"you going to a friends again mom?!"
oh boy, he's got this figured out :)

Better late then never...

These photos were taken this past fall
when all the kids came to visit grandma and grandpa's house.
My little pumpkin.

These two are just about a year apart and so funny together.
They sometimes don't acknowledge each other...
and other times they play together "fairly" nice.
 (as nice as an older cousin plays with his younger cousin)
Breck one time flipped Mason off a skate board because he felt he needed it right then and there...
payback my friend, payback!
Here are the cousins fall 2012

And here they are Christmas 2012
one little sweetie pie!


Never eat yellow snow.

How do you dress your kids for outdoor play in the snow?
This guy HAS to wear his "pack pack" everywhere...including outside playing :)
P.S I was to busy taking pictures to realize care that he was eating yellow dirty snow..mom of the year.
I'm loving winter as usual.
Although its been a little grey and dreary out,
along with some rain. Yes, rain in January.
I'm hoping for a nice big snow storm that bring new
white fluffy snow. The kind that allows you to build
forts and snowmen since we haven't been able to 
use our new snow fort builder blocks or build an
upside snowman (heard of that? found it on pinterest)
so cute. right. you can copy it. because its so cute.
Happy Weekend All.


Johnny & June...

These two are truly meant to be:
They (almost) share a birthday (one day apart).
They are both VERY independent and stubborn:
They convinced one of us mom's (I won't mention who) do give them Oreo cookies for supper.
They make quite the team.
And someday could be the next "big thing" like Johnny and June ;)
How sweet are they?!
I guess all this talk about marriage arrangement might just be working!
And here is my boy catching this little cutie off guard with a big smack a roo!
(perfect photo for their wedding slide show)
Am I nuts?? maybe!  :)


Christmas Card 2012

We had a wonderful 2012
full of amazing memories.

It's fun to go back on the blog and remember all the fun we had,
along with looking at old pictures and wondering where time went, but lucky enough to have blog to capture them.

Here's to another wonderful year...
full of love, laughs, and great memories!


This was our family photo shoot out at my grandparents old farm
 (now owned by a family friend and are lucky enough to still get to use it)

These are some of my favorites....
although one of my fav fav's was when Jerod was chasing around a chicken closer to where we were taking pictures so Breck would look at the camera!

Happy 2013!

And we're off to celebrate another wonderful year!
The Barrick's