
Some of the wierd things

my mom and dad do to me!
They put me in
y socks!
We put these on him to keep his piggies warm in the basement! I HEART them!
notice his outfit...
While they let me sleep {thank you boys}
dad gave Breck a bath {awesome dad/husband}
i woke up when he was getting dressed {very convenient of me..i know}
and Jerod had picked out p.j bottoms and a short sleeve shirt
i said something and he went and got another outfit to put on him
and it was this heartbreaker outfit {very cute, but pretty sure it's a Valentines outfit}
I LOVE my boys!

And then there's putting him in his toy box!
He loves it. and we
as he plays in the box!
We say "at least he doesn't loose his toys"
entertained with his toys & plus it's a chew toy!

I learned

SO much this month
{7 months old}
I learned to army crawl {first}
and now I'm crawling {hands n' knees} everywhere!
I got my first tooth {one day}
and the second one {the next day}
I learned to say baba, bobob {at the beginning of the month}
and now I'm saying mama {by the end of the month/just in time for Thanksgiving}
I learned to eat big boy foods {kind of} such as puffs
and now I can feed myself {most of the time} and grab everything including my pacifier
I learned to pull up on things {toy buckets, Jerod, Me}
and now I do it all the time {but tip over ALOT..good thing he's not to far up;)}
And Celebrated my first Thanksgiving!

I'm FUN. Lots with lots of personality!

I'm having

A bad hair day!

I got my dad's crazy hair and colics

Double delicious Thanksgiving dinner(s)

Breck's FIRST Thanksgiving went like this..
Belly ache
and finally SLEEP.
A lot of eating & sleeping.

We went to Grandma & Grandpa Barricks
for our first feast with us and Uncle Jon.
(Breck holding/whipping the turkey leg around)
We started with:
Turkey. Potatoes.Gravy.Buns. Stuffing. Corn.
Then time for a short snooze.
Yes, Breck & Me :)
Then it was time for dessert.
Pumpkin pie. Apple Pie. Cherry Pie. Ice Cream.
Then time for another nap
{a long one, didn't even wake up while we put in his car seat to our next feast
and even slept while WE got to eat dinner/that never happens.
Usually it's like he knows we're eating and wakes up and wants to play
so one of ates, then the other! Although it has gotten better and he
sits in his high chair during dinner and snacks with us}
Dinner at Grandma & Grandpa Smiths
with Brian, Stacie, Ellery, and Calvin, Ty, Zarie, & the whole Jones Clan
What did we do? Ate dinner again.
Turkey. Stuffing. Potatoes. Green bean casserole. Bread. Veggies & dip.
But not going to pass up dessert
Apple/Cranberry Pie. Chocolate Pie. Pumpkin Pie. Key Lime Pie.
Then it was time to rest
{Well I was...but Breck on the other hand...was roaring to go}
It may have been all the company, all the attention,
the lack of a schedule, not being in his own crib,
or maybe it was all the new things he tasted...
mashed potatoes, bread, pie? ice cream? whipped cream? YES mom of the year goes to ME
lets just say he had a slight belly ache.
poor baby. and so did i. poor me.
We finally went home and he crashed as soon as his head hit the mattress. 11:00 PM

That's when Stacie and I made a mad run to Wally world for their midnight sale
and me {never being one of those crazies}
thought NOBODY would be there, no but seriously
i looked like a slob
and it was PACKED
people were crazy..so was Stacie ;)
i just pushed her cart around for her!
It was actually very entertaining and I may just do it again next year!


So Thankful For....

my baby boy.
my husband.
a warm home.
glee. {the tv show}
my job.
when Breck says "ma ma ma inbetween bob bob bob"
my sister.
club sandwiches.
my mom.
my moms mittens.
my moms hats.
my moms cooking.
my moms help.
hugs & kisses.
the way grandpa Tom loves up Breck but hands him off if he makes a fuss.
my brothers.
my dad.
my dad doing goofy things. {more to come on that one & the joke he pulled}
a new sister-in-law.
being a aunt & becoming a NEW aunt.
black friday at Walmart at midnight.
being a new member of card club.

I am thankful so many things and so blessed that I am able
to be thankful for all those things!

P.S Im not sure why my sister copied my list...she must have not
been able to think of anything on her own ;)


Look what I can do....

I'm officially a mover....

BUT now i can move EVERYWHERE much faster!

{since I didn't post this soon enough}

and this weekend we began "baby proofing"

We are ALL busy...

Me {Breck} getting my hands on everything

and my mom and dad chasing me around the house!

Makes me soooooooo sleepy being a mover!


{don't you love my gingerbread bottom on my p.j's and my owl hat!!!

my mom dresses me so funny sometimes :)}

Snowy with a chance of...

Jury duty?!?
I have been called to duty
for one year of jury duty for Meeker County.
I received the letter three weeks ago stating that above
and what da ya know
I got called for jury duty.
Sat all morning with thirty others while they asked questions
picked their jurors
swore them in
then dismissed the rest of us
and luckily I was the US.
Three weeks down....
eleven months to go!
So I came home from a crazy day and decided to make
homemade cheesy broccoli soup
and fresh bread!
mmmmmmmmmmmm....tonight's going to be a good night!

Done with work for the week {check}
The timer just beeped for dinner {check}
Boys got their nap in {check}
Glee on in less then one hour {yes}
Good book ready for bedtime {double yes}
Snow in the forcast {whoo hooo}
and hopefully a good nights sleep....Breck's tubes in T minus 10 days


We've been busy...

And this is whats been going on...
prepare yourselves for a long one (you know you love it)
so, this guy (the big one)
was home last week.
It's his LAST week of being in the National Gaurds F.O.R.E.V.E.R
and we are so happy for him.
He served his country well and the time has come for "new" things.
starting his own family! (no, no rumors here about a baby..yet)
but a WIFE! he is engaged and we are thrilled.
Our family went out to dinner to celebrate...
his FINAL National Guard weekend
the engagement! Plus an excuse to have dinner at the legion yum!
as you can see Calvin was thrilled too.

Then on Friday the kids didn't have school...
so we went to St. Cloud for the day!
One hour of shopping for us,
one hour of Bouncy Depot fun for them!
They were exhausted from bouncing, jumping, sliding
and he was exhausted from scooting, rocking, sucking? yuck, i know
but that's life. Germs are good for them right?!?
mom's were HappY.

Jerod and I had a busy weekend at home, which was great!
I got the tree up (pic's to come of Brecks reaction to the lights)
and we WERE going to decorate outside
but we got an ice storm and Jerod didn't think putting a ladder
up was a good idea (even the grass was slippery)
He also claimed this year "he's afraid of heights"...um since when!
So tonight.
or I'll do it myself!
and i will try and i know he won't let me, so he will end up doing it! ha!

We FINALLY decided to get the new furniture we have been wanting and needing.
I'm so happy.
I believe this is our Christmas, Birthday, Anniversary Gift(s)
but worth it.
This is what it looked like in our basement when we 1st moved it in.
We were like "whoa, it didn't look as big at the store"
i got worried we would be using it for the backyard :)
we made it work! and love it.
BIG over sized cushions! *see Breck, he looks like an ant!
the best for snuggling up watching movies...
and that's what we did.
and Sunday...
we napped 3 times :)
Breck PLAYEd, played, and played!
his newest favorites toy
the Leapfrog Drum while mom and dad ChIlleD
So nice to finally have a cozy family room.
NOW we just need that big man above (Ty)
to come do some electrical work to make theater lighting...
lucky we "know" someone and lets us pay him with some
cold beverages!

What a fun weekend
now for our Thanksgiving feast weekend to come!

busy body!

It was Ellery's 9th Birthday last week!
and we celebrated!
She reminds me only a couple more years and she
can take babysitting classes (her choice)
and watch Breck for us!
she can't wait...neither can we ;)
While Ellery opened gifts
Breck enjoyed her scraps!
It's going to be a BUSY busy BUSY Christmas

Jerod and I were discussing, what do we get Breck for Christmas
and I suggested an empty box with lots of paper and bows!
He would be thrilled.
He even shakes a little, Yes that is how excited he gets!
He also is learning to use his sippy cup! and does a great job
plus he loves it.
He is already showing us what an independent little man he is!
And the kids are learning, that Breck is learning,
that throwing your cup, toys, food, bibs EVERYTHING
on the floor is a game!
yet they keep playing it.
keeps them all busy ;)
AND now that we can move, roll, squirm around...
means no more laying on the bed while mom or dad
shower, change clothes, get a bottle ready!
so now we put him in front of the mirror
where he yells, laughs, screams, spits at HIMSELF!
SOoo funny to hear him giggle!


This morning started out... like every other typical morning of not sleeping
through the night because your up with a sad baby with hurting ears...sluggish.

we got ready for our ENT apt in Willmar and thought
"Breck will sleep on the way to the apt" since it would be morning nap time.
but nope. he screamed while his dad sang, played, tried to feed him his bottle..he screamed.
During the apt he was perfect. Letting the doctors check his ears, poke at him, and
even for the hearing test.

The results:
My baby still has fluid in his ears :(
as a result, he is not hearing as well as he should be...double :(
but, with tubes schedule he should be back on track in no time.
So now we must wait for the surgery {out patient/takes 10 min}
I'm thinking his dad might have to be in there for that one..not sure i can handle it.
We ran to the store for diapers/formula/ more antibiotics to get us through
till surgery....and while i was letting him chew my finger at the store
{so he didn't eat the cart handle..yuck}
i felt a TOOTH that had popped in...but of course he wouldn't let me check it out.
when we got home {and he still hadn't slept} i gave him his MUCH needed bottle
and he was out.
So tired he couldn't' even finish his bottle {not like him at all}
and then
i poked in his mouth and found his 1st tooth nub coming in! FINALLY!
he's been working on that for MONTHS!
what a day.
and it's only 12.
but look at this cute sleepy face. gotta love it.


Who's baaab?

Breck started saying "baaab baaab baab" this week
and i love his cute little face
and his little voice
can't wait till he says "maa maa maa" or can I.

So i've been taking alot of video's lately
only because the other day I found a video on my camera from when
he was first born....and it was soooooo precious to see!
So i vow to post more video's for my future views...
to see my lil' man grow!

Holiday Suprise...

THIS is what the WONDERFUL "Peter's" sisters sent all us "Smith" gals
because this is how THEY decorate for the holiday season!
Lucky them!
They call them Bow Balls {because usually they contain a bow and they are christmas balls}
wowza they are cleaver!

and now, we recieve this wonderful gift to decorate OUR homes
..lucky us!?!
Ohh you girls just wait...
i promise,
we have something special for you coming soon!
and it will be faballous! xoxo

my poor baby...

still has an ear infection...
6 weeks
4 antibotics
7 visits to the chiropractor
and he still has an ear infection.

He starts to feel better
and you can tell because he plays better {happy happy happy}
he eats better {chows his food down}
drinks better {guzzles his bottle}
and sleeps better {all night long}

and then he finishes up his med's and he feels awful again
bring him in and yup he still has bad ears.

whats a mom to do.
i feel awful. i feel like it's my fault when i know it isn't. i want to cry {with him}

So tomorrow we are visiting the ENT specialist
in Willmar to see what we can to to heal my lil' man
So pray for us.

this makes me smile
his funny hair.
The picture doesn't do justice.
His blond fuzzy hair stands STRAIGHT up on his head.
Makes me smile.

Best Buds Forever

IS what Calvin told me him and Breck would be.......
they layon the floor together for over an hour
and rolled around together
and laughed

and he said someday I will teach him about {in a high sing song voice} STAR WARS.
He's lucky to have a big buddy.

BUT my favorite is when Calvin, with all seriousness, says
"Breck, PLEASE be quiet...uhhhhhhhh...shhhhhhh...Baarrreeckk"

Sometimes I think he really thinks he's his buddy, his same age,
his same mentality, and when he has had enough time with him
and needs some of his own "Calvin Time" he says that and gets
really annoyed.

I guess that's just how comfortable he is with him,
and i like it.
I like that he can come over, relax, and feel like he's at home!!
I think they may act more like brothers then cousins...
and i like it.


My little mover...

Now that we are moving @ getting into everything...
this is what tends to happen...

we get STUCK under everything!!
and while he is fussing at me to HeLp a poor fella out...
I run and grab my camera to charish the moments and laugh!!

AND this is how he gets around! So funny!
MY little mover!!

Soon we will have to start child proofing the house


no more pottery out,

no more pictures,

stairs blocked,

and candles out...i think not.

Breck is already looking around scoping out what he's going to get his

chubby hands on first!


baker of the year...well almost!

Hannah Barrick: My mom is the best....stopped over with yeast and flour
from the food coop so I could get pizza dough started for dinner tonight and
then feed Breck and got him down for a nap and sat with him while I ran to the
store to get some groceries. Wish she would stop more often as it is a big help
and a lot easier running for errands without baby in tow.

It's all true.
But Nope.
I didn't write it.a
Again I left my facebook page up & she got her slimy fingers on it!
funny part is....it happens between me, mom, and Stacie so often
that people question it...and my aunt caught right on to this one!
We enjoyed homemade pizza tonight
HOMEMADE pizza crust from another blog I follow {and talk about all the time} Nienie
and i'm passing it on to you!
Pizza Dough:
2 3/4 cup flour
2 Tb olive oil
1 tsp salt
1 Tb yeast
1/4 tsp sugar
1 cup water
mix water, yeast, oil, and sugar dissolve for 5 min.
mix flour salt...add to mixture
roll, knead dough
let sit for an hour to raise.
spread on pizza pan
add topping
bake 15 min at 475

ALONG with homemade bread {I} attempted to make
that my mom promised would turn out wonderful, beautiful, and delicious!
"just roll them out into two loafs" that's what i did!!
well it turned out delicious, but for the other two...check for yourself!
Sorry Anine for butchering it! but it taste A M A Z I N G
so i will pass this on too to my fellow bakers!
Anine's Bread
2 cups water
1 Tb yeast
2 tsp salt let it dissolve for 5 min
add 4 cup flour
mix with spoon
let sit for 1/2 hour to an hour
separate into two loafs
bake 12-15 min for at 410
this baker is off to bed! night.