
Santa 2014

There has been so many fun things going on around  town this holiday season!

We have hit up Reading with Santa at the library, pioneer Christmas at the forest city stockade and Ecfe cookies and milk with Santa! 

The kids have loved all the crafts, sleigh rides, stories, songs, and of course the treats that have gone alone with these events!

The first time Lundon met Santa Jerod and I had the video ready to record her feeling out.... But she didn't. She just smiled a him and posed for the camera.  

And Breck, well my little people person just climbed on his lap and talked talked talked.  But we laugh and think of the Christmas story movie when ralphie freezes up when Santa asks what he wants for chriatmas, because that's exactly what he does!!!  

My favorite part about this special time of year is hearing how excited Breck is.  
Last night as I put him to bed he said "mom, why were the Santas different". I'm think, oh boy how do I explain this. Then he says "I mean one time he had plain gloves and then he had sparkly ones"!  I can handle this.... Because miss clause forgot to wash them, silly Miss Clause! 


Our elf on the shelf has returned for the second year...well, kind of!

So December 1st arrived and after hours and hours of searching every room, closet, under every bed, the darn elf was missing!  Darn it. 

So to buy time I said to Breck that elf (named Alf) called and asked if he could go visit another little boy who needed him a little bit more during Christmas time.  This did not go over well as he threw himself under the tree crying. He then offered up His friend Leo's elf instead! 

So I called my sis to stop over so I could run an errand up to a store in town that carries elf on the shelves. I was about to purchase another elf for a whopping 30.00 when I saw an elf similar but all plush given to kids to snuggle with, one they could touch and "it wouldn't loose it's magic" AND for less the. Half the price.  Cha Ching! So I bought it in girl elf form (the only difference is it wears an apron). I figured when we find brecks then each him and Lundon could have one. And I prepared a story for why his elf looks different and why it was a girl! (His elf, Alf, sent his gf this year)

I get home, give kids a bath, and set up the elf for his big return! He jumps out the  tub to see te elf swinging from the chandelier! He was soooo excited, making the whole dilemma worth it! 

Best part, the innocents of a four year old that has no clue it's a different elf this year.  He thinks his elf is just wearing an apron because he loves to bake just like we do!!! Only diffence with this elf is his name has changed to Brick! 


Brecks Christmas list 2014

List #1 given to me in early fall:
*A spoon knife and fork set (he saw at walmart)

*A pet raccoon 

*A vacuum (I thought we were over this phase)

*A big pool

List #2 given to me last week:

*A jet ski like grandpa Jerry's 

*A real race car

And this is why when we went shopping and he actually found a realist toy for me to buy, I did!

Random picture.  Just because he is so random. And I like him that way. 

Mom, I love you.

December 6,   2014

A day that brought me back to the blog world because it was so simple yet so important to remember.  

A warm sunny winter day brought the whole family outside to the forest city stockade annual old fashion christmas, something we attend each year (except last year because it was -30 degrees...no, for real)!

We enjoyed touring the old buildings, seeing friends, riding a horse drawn sleigh, and missing Santa as he walked past us to take a break...Opps! 

It. Was. Fun. Lundon was bundled up in the baby Bjorne without a complaint and Breck played in the snow and tore his new pants (they are just pants mom and he's a boy...get over it!) we left as Lundon zonked out and boy was ready to relax as well. 

Then Breck and I headed out for Christmas shopping! We spent the day together and he was a trooper as I drug him around. AND I love how innocent four years are.  As he picked out a favorite toy he wanted for Christmas, I told him to put it back, and he did, then I quickly put it in the cart. He had no idea.  And I love that. 

He was exhausted.  And we had one last stop.  As I was paying for the gift card he is saying "mom mom mom" over and over.  Finically I say, "WHAT" and he replies with "I love you"! 

Melts my heart. 
That boy. 

I'm back...

From almost a year being away from my blog.  And I've missed it.  A lot. 

There was nights I went to bed thinking how badly I want to blog and how important it's always been to me because it helps me remember events in my life and most importantly my children who have recently have grown up to quickly. 

So. Ready or not.  I'm back. 

And it may be messy because frankly..it can be and because I'm going to start with a favorite memory of today and work myself backwards and forwards at the same time.  

Welcome back... If there's anyone out there!


Four years old

This boy turned four...no way! I remember when he was just a baby and now he's a big boy! Had his check up and is right in track for preschool next year! We didn't realize he should have done shots and I promised him he wouldn't get any so since I couldn't go back in my word we will wait till next year.  He's in 70% for height and weight :) healthy kids!!!

He's still busy as can be....going going going all day long! He loves to play outside, help pick up sticks with his gator, "mows" the lawn, and ride bike, which requires a bath each night. 

Loves puzzles, reading, baking with mom, listening to music, singing, and crafts. 
Like always, he's still a sweet sweet boy! Loves to snuggle! Always making a new friend...loves to talk :)

And at nap time and end of the day.... Crashes hard! Love my boy. 

Six months

This little lady is six months old. I'm trying to figure out where half the year has gone.  She had her check up and weighs 17.2 # (70%) and 26 inches (60%) along with shots that wipes her out for a couple days!
She loves to eat! Peas, beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, pears, peaches, bananas, apple cherry, yogurt, puffs, and yogurt melts! Not picky one bit! 

Sleeps like a champ 8:00pm-7:30am along with two naps during the day. Loves her nuk, silly blankets, and her momma!

Rolls, scoots backwards, and sits up on her own! Says momma, dada, and babbles all day long. 

Is super sweet, smiles all the time, and eyes light up when dad gets home! Loves her brothers attention! Life with Lundon is the best! Sweet as a cupcake!


My 30 day challenge

I made a goal for myself...
To get healthy!
For starters I've heard people say it takes 9 months to put on the pounds after having a baby...so you have 9onths to take it off.  We'll folks, I'm only a couple months from that so I best getting and grooving. 

I challenged myself to walk around the lake every day for 30 days minus Saturday and Sundays being optional) 
Jerod asked who I'm doing this challenge with and I replied me, to which he says then I bet you'll win :) 

So to keep me on top of this and not wimp out after a week I'm holding myself accountable by blogging about it. 

I've completed day 3! And to be honest....it sucks. A lot. Praying it gets easier and maybe, just maybe I will do the water case run/walk (something I've dreamt of for years)

Ps my kids rock and allow me to do this with them early in the am, when it's super wind, super humid, and super boring.  I owe them. 

Here we took a break and break played w a baby snapping turtle 

Wen we finish the lake we then go to the playground. By the time we are home they and I are pooped. Making for a sweet afternoon rest.


Cuddles from Lundon

She is a snuggler, a lover, sweetheart!
Everyone just melts around her....and how can't you with those baby blues and contagious smile.  

Breck smothers her, but the best part is she loves it! She will be one tough cookie putting up with him.
And as much of a mommies girls she is...she has dad's heart and loves his cuddles! 

Rainy day Monday

Today is my official first day of summer break... And it has been raining all day. Bummer. 

I set a goal of walking five days a week around the lake for thirty days to be healthier.  I was so pimped to start today but woke up to gloomy skies.  I decided I must try so out we went granola bar and juice for boy, nuk and bottle for gal. Instead of the lake we went around the neighborhood trying so hard to get a couple miles in before the rain....1.5 then the storm began to brew. Better then nothing I suppose! 

So we get home and Breck asks of we can bake.an this kid has my heart! I love baking and can not say no! So we whipped up a half a batch (because I know I will eat them all and doing a half will limit my intake) of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Yummo.  Here is my helper... He "redressed" himself in his to small Star Wars shirt, long unders, and life jacket!
And while I ran down to the freezer he took some photos for me apparently :)

Lundons new favorite...frozen yogurt in her food feeder!
And... Our mess :)
Later I brought the box in from our newestber of the family "my double jogger" (so excited to get healthy this summer...fingers crossed and prayers needed for motivation)
Breck played in this box for hours, cutting, coloring, and taping his "rocket ship". I was excited to have him ask me how to spell my name.  I said "m" and he says no this letter and draws a H! Then I tell him the other  letters and spells out Hannah! When did this happen... My boy growing up. Exciting and sad.


Bike rides, bandages, and crying babies

Tonight, Sunday evening, we went for a bike ride as a family.  First time doing this and thought it would be fun...fresh air equals good night sleep, right?!

So down the street we go to the gas station, Breck on his little bike, me pulling the bike trailer with Lundon, and Jerod on a bike with low tires.  
Half way there Lundon starts screaming! So jerod races ahead to get air as we turn around. He meets us and back home we race, Lundon still crying! Then Breck goes down...skinned knee! Lets just say he cries he whole way home and so did Lundon.  As we passed ppl I couldn't help but laugh. Jerod claimed it was his first and last bike ride. (Biggest baby of them all)!
As soon as we were home and bandages on our cuts and inmost arms w a bottle....all was calm!

The beginning of a freezie Summer....

In true Minnesota fashion, when the snow melts it's officially spring (even though it's only 50 degrees). We break out the shorts, all of our outside toys, and we're off!  This boy couldn't be happier to finically be able to run free instead of stuck inside!

While Breck enjoys playing outside (keeping warm) we bundle up and hang out in the garage!

But I'm the aunt who's known to have freezies stocked up all summer long....and the freezie frenzy begins! 

Although they complain how cold it is....the insist on having a freezie (or two)! And nothing like a cousin starting her youngest cousin pal with freezies at six months old. 

Guess who's addicted already!!

I have a feeling it may be the best summer yet!!


Mother's Day was a success as always! We had brunch at my mom and dads..a ten year tradition where the men serve the ladies breakfast! So fun! Then we went home for naps then out to the lake for dinner with Jerods mom. The day was almost through and I had forgot to get a picture with my loves and their beautiful gift of flowers.  I'm so lucky and in love. 
Here is my gift Breck made for me at daycare! Love this! In the eyes of a four year old:
The next day was our 7 year anniversary! Oh how times have changed. Our day consisted of running kids to daycare, working all day and, a run through taco johns drive through (bc there is no way we can go out to dinner w two busy Kids) . We were in bed by 930 and guess what...it was the best anniversary ever! We went from young high school friends (14 years together) to my being my amazing husband with two beautiful kids!!! 


St. Patty 2014

Like every year...
we go up to Crookston to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with my grandpa Lundon.
We decided to go a day early because we wanted to relax before the craziness plus its a five hour drive and we have never traveled with Lundon further then 20 minutes in the car.

She did great! Woke up both ways for the last 40 minutes.
When we got to the hotel we had to go swimming!!
She had gotten a new suit for Christmas for this summer,
but as you can see...it fits now and more then likely won't fit this summer!
Mr. B is ready to swim!

Lundon and I watching the boys swim!

Breck met a new friend Molly and they swam away leaving daddy behind.
Later Jerod told me that Molly had asked if Breck could come to dinner with her that night....
Jerod said we had plans, but maybe next time!! so cute.

Such a fish.
loves to swim.

Every year my grandpa rents out a room for us to all have dinner together and the whole family shows up!!
The great aunts bring all sorts of fun costumes for the kids to wear and they run around like crazy kids.
All the second cousins have a blast together!!

Here is grandpa and grandma are with most of their great grand kids.

All the girl grand daughters!

My sweetie pies!

The non Irish in-laws!

The little girls with great grandma!

Ella toting around her baby!

She was so sad most of the night as she was fighting off a ear infection. poor baby.

Most of the grand kids with grandpa and grandma!

Mom and dad with grandpa and grandma!

Ty with little Ella.
I had to post this picture because this is Ty as a kid with his tongue hanging out.

And this is the reason for the celebration!
Grandpa Lundon!
with my Lundon.

four months old

Someone needed their picture just like Lundon!!
It works...as he will be four next month :)