
Cookie goodness

I post these cookies probably once a year on here. But I swear.  They rock!
You won't be disappointed. 
Bake 10-13 minutes 

Nothing like a pile of cookie goodness!

Sweet Lundon

This girl is my world. She is sweet and spunky all in one little tiny person! I love her personality and boy does she have one. A girl with few words but many many expressions. Oh sweet Lundon. 

Most days she sits in the step, stares out the window/door, or grabs a hat or her boots and insists you put them on her. She loves being outside!! And how can you say no to that face!!!

Both my babes love the outdoors. They are different kids when they are out side. Happier.  Less crabby. No fighting.  And sleep like Angels at the end of the day. 

Now we just need some spring weather so we can be outside even more with less layers on!

Easter 2015

The Easter bunny thought she was clever this year! And maybe had more fun then the kids planning the Easter basket hunt!

There was a trail of eggs that led to the baskets and started with chewed up carrots in the floor.

Then took the dyed hard boiled eggs and cracked one open and "ate" one. Breck wasn't happy about this!

The left foot prints in the window! Breck thought this was so funny! And Lundon kept pointing and giggling! Success for the Easter bunny!
Which led to their baskets full of sugar! Why do we do this to our kids (our selves)!
Breck enjoyed the hunt! Matching eggs "resurrection eggs" numbered into the egg carton!
The end was the story of Jesus' death and the day he rose again! Cute idea found in Pinterest of course! (Sorry about the scary pic of Jerod!)
Lundon didn't get the whole point of it besides the jelly beans!
Then off to the barricks for an egg hunt and lunch! Lucky kids searched for a hundred eggs full of candy and one with one dollar in it! ( Breck found it and was so excited)
We enjoyed family time and Breck was so excited to see his best buddy Jordan!
It was a great time. Wonderful time of the year!  And memories made!
Then we went home for naps!

Happy Easter.  Love the barrick bunch. 


Silly boy

This morning durning breakfast Breck was doing his show n tell project "drawing a healthy food". Nothing like waiting till the last minute mom!
I said what are you going to drawn. 
And he replies without hesitation "Avacado on toast".
This makes me laugh because my sis introduced me to this a couple minths ago and I'm totally addicted.  I eat Avacado toast for lunch every single day (no lie)!
So he dug through his crayons looking for the perfect green! That's my boy. 
And this pic is a keeper.  
Here are five pieces of toast with avacados on them and in the middle "what an Avacado looks like so the kids know mom". 



We had a spring storm come through last night!
Lundon freaked out about the thunder and clung to me. 
Breck refused to eat dinner because he was to interested in the storm. Asking tons if questions about why it's loud, why the lightning, why the rain????

So I tell him. 
What I was told when I was little and scared of storms. 

The thunder is God bowling with our grandmas, grandpas and loved ones. 

The lighting is a strike. 

And the rain is tears of laughter form having so much fun. 

Why not. Sounds amazing to me. 

And because he didn't eat supper we decided to go to Dq? Okay that doesn't make much sense now that I write it. But this mom wanted a treat.

We got stuck in the storm eating our treats and on our way home we saw a beautiful rainbow. So we jumped out and took a picture!
He is my sunshine! 

Adventure four: movie time!

Did I tell you already how much I have enjoyed spring break!
I LOVE hanging out with my loves... 
Although today was a bit challenging. He bugs her.  She bugs him. She gets into everything because she is one. He gets into everything because... He is a boy! Same old story. New day. But wouldn't change it for the world. 

Today I had a date with my Brecker! Lundon stayed home with grandma for a much needed nap while we visited the Hutchinson State Theater. 
We love the cheap theater. 
Tickets are $2.50
Movies are new ish.. To us because we don't ever see movies or rent them! So today we saw Paddington Bear. 

Super cute movie. Lots of action so the kids loved it. Funny so the kids loved it. Plus wasn't so cheesy that even I loved it. 

All week we have been able to hang out with some pretty amazing friends too. The kids are having a blast and us moms are enjoying some adult interaction time. I think the only problem is...I've gained ten pounds because if all these fun play dates. 
Totally worth it!!

Kids had a Dance party at the end.  Yup we were those people at the theater! Ha!

Breakfast on the go!

Im always looking for easy breakfast foods and I think I've hit another successful one!
Kids loves them. I love them.
8 crescent rolls
4 eggs
4 slices of cheese
4 sausage links

Preheat oven to 350
Roll out crescent rolls 
Scramble eggs. Cut cheese and sausage in half. Fill creacent rolls with eggs cheese and sausage. 
Wrap them up! (Most of them I was able to pinch sides to cover the stuff inside and make a little ball)
Bake 15 minutes. 

I doubled my recipe and threw them in a freezer bag so we could heat and eat on busy mornings.  

So good! Enjoy. 


Adventure three: Kids World

Why haven't I heard of this before...
Man, we have been missing out on some good fun. 

A church in Willmar offers free indoor play  on Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 

It's. Amazing. 

It's a big open space. With a huge indoor jungle gym for big kids.  Small jungle gym for little kids. A tree house with games. A tree trunk hid out. Big blocks. Dance mat and music games. Big squishy bean bags. An open gym area for riding toys and balls, hula hoops, and jump ropes.
Did I mention... It's FREE!
So worth the drive every wednesday aid you can. We will be seeing a lot more if this place this summer when I'm off.  
Had lunch with peeps then home for naps!
Winner winner. 

On the downside: 
I caught a nasty cold and feel crummy. But it won't stop me from having fun with my favorite people. 

Oh and another downside.  I love love my job, but I could so stay home and play/teach these fun little sponges all day.  
I've been hinting this to Jerod lately...he either isn't getting the hint or is ignoring it!!!

Adventure two: Learn and Play Cafe

Our spring break adventure brought us to Hopkins to the Play and Learn Cafe! It's a new indoor playground and cafe ALL KID FRIENDLY. Super cute.  Super fun. 
We joined a couple other litchfield friends here. The older kids took a class where they made cities and tested them out on a tray of marbles to represend an earthquake. 
They had a blast! 
And the price was right! Breck was $11.00 for class and playtime and $5.00 for Lundon to play. Worth it for some afternoon fun. 
There was an indoor climbing set, slides, trikes and scooters, baby area with ball pit, kitchen set and more! 

This was just so neat.  I have always talked about having a fun place like this in Litchfield. A place where kids can play during the long winters and got summer days. And moms can come watch their kids and sip on coffee and delicious cupcakes and meet up
With friends.  What do You think?! 

After we left it hasn't kept swirling my mind. I may contact this mom and pop shop and she what and how they did this. ( we saw the owner was a young lady and her husband was there cleaning up toys at one point) (think Jerod would do that for me?! Heehee) 

Either way. Another fun. Successful. Day.