
Seriously a cold.
Spring is here....and instead of enjoying the warm temps i'm
laying in bed with PJ's on at 3:00 Pm
covers over my head
with one million kleenexes shoved up my nose ~nice picture i'm painting~
Lucky me!
And it has to be my busiest week EVERrrrrr.
my baby shower in which I'm soooooooo excited for is on Saturday
I must feel better 100% by then ~and I got a new party dress for the special event~!
So I'm off to bed, after my second nap of the day, and it's 8:30 Pm!


Us + 1!

32 Week Belly!

Me and my man!

Me getting "husky" like Grandpa L would say! ha!

St.Patrick's Day Celebration

Another Year, Another Weekend of Celebrating St. Patrick's Day with the Lundon's!

Grandma got a kiss from the boys!~ The Lundon's!

Zarie and the girls! ~ Grandpa 100% Irish/Grandma 50%
The kiddies staying busy! ~Wedding bells?
Cousin Tracy ~Sister Stacie
After some drinkage of green beer?!
What a great time had by all! Thanks Grandma & Grandpa
for a wonderful family tradition!! Till next year!! xoxo!

I found this blog on C JANE

1). Seems like another intresting blog to follow

2). Kind of a fun survey to fill out if your bored and have time

3). You can win $100.00 Gift Card (I'm a sucker for free stuff)


Thats me balancing a cup of ice on my belly :)

~32 Weeks and Counting Down~
Thing are definatly changing. Good. Bad. and Ugly.

Baby is growing like a weed. Measuring exactly 32 weeks. Gained 3 more lbs.
Very Active! Heart beating at 140bpm...
Loves to wiggle ALL night & day...unless grandma/aunt want to feel him move :)

Still Breech. Lots of Pressure (can't even go on walks anymore..ugg
pay for it the next day)
Feeling & feeling like I look HUSKY! Thanks Grandpa Lundon for the compliment!

My feet swelling up! People think it's funny to push on them and it stays indented.
I find this disturbing. ha! Fred Flintstone feet.

Updates: Jerod & Grandpa Tom working on the baby's room this week..pic's soon yippee.
Baby shower soon..so excited to see everyone! Even got me a party dress :)
Just ate a whole roll of Sweet Tarts 10:45am! Go me.


I'm Soooooo HaPPy for my husband.
and secretly for myslef too.

Starting next Monday Jerod will be starting a new JOB.
We were so lucky to move back to Litchfield & both find jobs,
but enuffff of this shiftwork!

Jerod was a lucky canidate for a new position at 3M
working 8-5, office, with MUCH better pay.
He was so skeptical about how the interview went
but to me I knew he did well because he does well at EVERYTHING.

He got the JOB!
I'm so proud of him.
And happy for him.
and happy for me.

We can spend evening lounging, having dinner together, going to bed together,
helping me out when baby arrives, being there for EVERYTHING!
no-more of me feeling awful about being alone all night! Now he can protect me :)

Wow. It's true, things do fall into place & do happens for a reason.
you just have to have patience


Went to the doctor Monday for my check up & my doctor decided to have
an ultra sound done because of lots of pressure I was having.

So Thursday we went in for our ultra sound...Me, Jerod, and my mom.
She had asked to come if I had another one done, I said sure...
thinking I wouldn't have another one...She was SO excited, arriving to the
hospital an hour before the ultra sound :) kidding, but she WAS excited!
Found out the pressure is just the baby & the position he is in!
Breech (legs & butt down/head up) causing MUCH pressure, but everything is ok so that makes me HAPPY!
Lets hope he changes this position soon, for the sake of my body & delivery!

He was very active..arms & legs moving like crazy...and his little mouth smacking!
weighing in at 3.5 lbs
And more pictures to share!
Baby face
Profile picture & his little nose!
Profile picture & his hands moving around!
His footprint!


I will be attending the BON JOVI concert
on Saturday at the Fargo Dome! I'll be sure to
take pictures of this BaNg'n concert!
Look at these hotties...

Bon Jovi concert checklist:
Shoulder pads...check
Pleather mini skirt...check
Leg Warmers...check
High Tops...check
BTW..my cousin informed us that Bon Jovi is now being played on the oldies station! ha!


30 weeks!

Baby boy Barrick is now 30 weeks!
Getting closer, makes me get a little more nervous, but happily anxious!

Gained 4 lbs total weight gain 12 lbs
~feel like i've gained 1 billion...today is a chub day, but you'll have that~

Baby measuring exactly 30 weeks

Heard his heart beat...StRoNg 148-150 bpm
~and krate chopped the doctor as she was pushing on him~
Told her that's what he does ALL night long
Now all day too...when he's not pokin' my ribs!

After my apt and EVERYTHING checking out PERFECT
doctor told me to get used to the
pressure, backaches, headaches, and on and on and on...
"these are the JOYS of being 7 months pregnant"!

But still..LOVE it..and I have a feeling I may be saying this till the bitter end.
I feel so fortunate to be healthy and starting my very own family.

Ultra sound on Thursday morning.
My doctor is the best! and wants the best for us! So making sure everything is ok!
Jerod and I are excited to see our little man who's grown since 20 weeks!
Thanks Again Everyone For Birthday Wishes!

Another year older... this year the big 28!
Celebrated my birthday with a busy day of work...
but had some special moments throughout the day!
  • Ellery planned for me to visit her classroom for snack time since it was MY BIRTHDAY on her DAY TO BRING SNACK. I like to think of it as I was her show n tell! Love that girl.
  • Dinner with family at Peter's! Had a wonderful dinner with balloons & singing!
  • Lots of birthday wishes!
  • Exhaused lady, who came home, put on her pj's, and snuggled up with a new People Magazine and a Twix bar!

Doesn't get better then this!


Something OLD to something NEW

This used to be a window in my grandpa & grandma's house.
After a little paint, some hooks, and some of my dad's handy work
this is the result!
I have it hanging in my front entry way & I love it! Plus...it's a little piece of history.
And the quote is one of my favorites:
always welcome here
.....and it's true.
I enjoy visitors ANYTIME.


SweeT TreatS

What's my craving?
and these.
and especially these.

Our Favorite HoCkEy players

# 6
Calvin had a hockey "tournament" this Saturday in Hutchinson.
Jerod & I stopped in to watch the littlest little guy skate..
& what a quick little skater he is!
Can't wait to watch him play hockey as he gets older!
We may have a LDC hockey star in the making!!
Then off to the cities to watch Jonny B play some Northern Lights Hockey!
ANd what a game it was.
Jon had three assists....the team won 8-1....and made it to second rounds of playoffs.
Go LIghts! See you next Saturday in St. Cloud for the BIG win.
Jon's last year of Jr. Hockey and possibly on his way to playing for a college team.
Best of Luck!!

Then Sunday Ellery had a hockey "tournament" in Hutchinson!
Her first year and she is a pretty awsome little skater herself.
I enjoyed watching the girls play!

And it ended with a medal ceremony...HIGHLIGHT of THIER year!
This is Calvin pouting because he couldn't find his Sunday morning to wear
to Ellery's game. ~I'll go buy you another at the dollar store...and be the best aunt~;)



Today makes me think that SPRING is almost here & yes I am looking forward to it.
Not only the white stuff gone but,
Walks around the lake
Sunlight sticks around later into the evening
People come out of hibernation "wow we do have neighbors & friends"
My job (in which I love) is done for 4 months
Baby arrives
Wedding's, wedding's, and MORE wedding's
Family trip to Duluth
Boating, camping, & being on the lake
Traditional Kormanik Cabin time
what else...
working on the house:
going to learn how to garden & landscape this year
grilling out
opening windows for fresh air after a stuffy winter
painting the trim, door, and shutters on our newly sided house.

Wow, I just really went off...back to reality...there's still snow & 35 degree's isn't THAT warm.
So as of now I will look forward too,
Cleaning that stuffy winter enclosed house
Working on the babies room & posting pictures, which I have promised 100 times
Bon Jovi concert in two weeks in Fargo with my sister & cousin's
St. Patty's Day in Fargo my grandpa (100% Irish) and family
My baby shower in a couple weeks
Jerod working HARD, barely seeing much of him, but that possibly changing soon..

This weekend...40 degrees YESsssssss!
See I'm still addicted to the weather updates :)

Baby Name Update

I knew I wouldn't be able to keep the babies name secret...the WHOLE time.
So here it is!
Jerod & I have been having a ongoing discussion on what will our first born's
name be. Going back n' forth with names, one's I LOVE, other's I HATE.
I want our children's names to be unique, but some are just way to
Faaaaaaaaaaar out there.
So here is our list & our little game to still keep it all a surprise,
not only for you, but for us too!
IF he has DARK hair & DARK eyes
his name will be...Jett

IF he has BLOND hair & BLUE eyes
his name will be...Liam

IF he has neither of these or a MIX of all these...
example: Blondie w/ brown eyes or bald with green eyes
his name will be...Bennett
Sooooooooo. more then likely his name will be
Mr. Jett James Barrick
Mr. Bennett James Barrick
but we can still hope for a
Mr. Liam James Barrick too!
I LOVE them all..so it doesn't really matter to me..just as long as he is healthy!

If you go to my Baby Barrick Pool you can make your guess on what little man will look like.
And see that I was a LARGE baby with Dark hair & Blue eyes
and Jerod was a PERFECT sized baby (which I'm hoping for) with Dark hair & Dark eyes!

oops, how did I forget the other name JEROD & his clever buddies came up with.
I guess I should mention that if the baby is over 10#'s I agreed (shook on it) that
Jerod could name him
BRICK! What was I thinking....getting a little nervous about this bet.
And the best part, Jerod & his very humorous guy friends think this is great and keep
offering me food! Guess we will find out how big baby is on Monday at our 30 week apt.
Wow, time is flying!
P.S. Babies room, still not touched.