
Knight in shining armor

While Jerod was away for the week with work
Breck and I had a lot of time to bond...
And although I wouldn't change that for a million bucks,
I am so ready for daddy to get home for some male bonding time
that moms just can't do..
and more wrestling!
Breck is craving it.
Last night we gathered at the Litchfield Opera House
along with tons of other princes and princess'
(it was warm)
to watch the Litchfield Children's Theater of Cinderella.
This is something that I find so fun,
as I used to be in all the Children's Theater productions when I was a kid.
Alice in Wonderland..a dancing flower and a card
Beauty and the Beast..chip the cup and chorus
Willy Wonka..Oompa Loompa
Cinderella..Ugly Stepsister
I. Was. A. Star. :)
Kids were encouraged to dress up for the event!
Breck was a "prince" more like "knight"
either way...
He loved it.
 He met his princess Miss Elsa at the play
and made sure he sat next to her the whole time,
 and danced with her during intermission!
It was adorable!!
AND he paid attention and sat through MOST of the play :)
We had a blast.
And afterwards we had a special late dinner date at Mc Donalds with parfaits!
When dad gets home tonight he's going to have a hard time retraining this kid back to his "normal" schedule. We didn't play by any rules this past week!
Opps :)


Our world revolves around water!

Now that summer has made its appearance,
its been a HOT one!
Everyday we have been able to find somewhere to cool off...
We are lucky to have some friends that love to have us at their pool anytime!

Or out on the grandpa Tom's pontoon fishing!
Or at lake Stella hanging out at sandy beach or on the jet ski!

Or visiting dad while he's away at work at the hotel!
Or with all our buddies on the beach of Lake Ripley!

Awww....summertime! How I love you!


I'm THREE birthday interview



June 2013
 What's your name: "Bweck Bawwick"
How old are you: "Um..fweeee"
What is your favorite color: "Red and blue"
What is your favorite toy: "weed whipper"
What is your favorite thing to sleep with: "pillow pet"
What is your favorite thing to do: "Go outside"
What do you want to be when you grow up: "daddy"
What is your favorite food: "Chicken nugget and French fries"
Who do you like to spend time with: "Oden"
What do you do really well: "I change poopy diapers..hee hee"
What makes you laugh: "presents"
What is the best time of the day: "when daddy comes home"
What are you afraid of: "monsters"
Who is your best friend: "Calbin" aka Calvin
What do you like to do with your family: "swim"
What do you love to learn about: "playing baseball"
Where do you like to go: "grandma Dudies" aka Judy Gaberielsons house to swim
What is your favorite book: "school bus"
If you had one wish what would it be: "candles" doesn't get it, thinks about blowing out candles and making a wish :)

Playing catch up..

Since it's been so long since I have blogged, I have some catching up to do.
I have no idea where to even start....
This school year I took care of a friends little girl a couple days a week.
Breck just LOVED her.
He was the only one who could get out belly laughs from her.
He may have been a bit jealous of the attention she was getting so he would tend to act like her to get some of his own.
(it worked)
If you haven't met "tick tick" yet
let me introduce you.
See that poor little stuffed animal hamster with peace signs on it attached to his bike with pink electrical tape??
That is "tick tick" Breck's best friend.
See that taggie blanket in the other hand?
That is "tick tick's" blanket.
We aren't sure where "tick tick" came from,
where he got his name,
or why Breck is so attached to him,
but he has become part of the family!

Turning three has been a huge change for Breck and us!
He defiantly has a mind of his own and isn't afraid to express it.
He has attitude and sassiness..."no, I'm not talking to you right now, I'm talking to daddy"
He is loud and a chatter box... if he isn't talking or telling a story he is singing!
He is a character and hilarious.."I'm watching you buddy ole pal" (edited addition)
He changes clothes thirteen times a day.
And picks out his own clothes.
I find it so funny to see him dressed like this in public!
I know he is excited for this new baby to come,
but I also know he knows there is a big change coming
and is going to be craving some attention.

He recently has discovered his baby things,
including a package of unopened Nuks I had saved.
He hasn't had a Nuk since he turned two,
but insisted on NEEDING one again.
We would hide it, he would find it.
So we put a kibosh on that and threw them away!

This should be interesting in a couple months with a new baby :)

It's official....

Blogger official....
We are expecting BABY #2 in November!
All of us are so excited...
especially this little big boy!
He says she will help change diapers..it's a deal.

We find out the gender of the baby next week already (just before the 4th of July weekend)
I'm split between another boy, because I know what to expect, have tons of things for a boy, and it would be fun for Breck to have a little brother...
and a girl, because who doesn't want a little girl to dress up!

Either way
I pray for a healthy and happy baby!

Future Mr. and Mrs.

During the school year when I work Breck goes to daycare at Elsa and Bohde's house.
It was been an amazing experience and we couldn't be happier.
He learns so much, has so much fun, and has made great friends.
Breck and Elsa are buddies and will attend school together.
And their crazy moms "think" that someday they will marry each other too!
They have a love/hate relationship that is hilarious to watch.
She is a women with an attitude
and Breck a man without many words (when he's with her. He obviously knows better and most grown men should take advise from him heehee)
She calls Breck her prince and they have set a wedding date a number of times
("today at four o'clock")
Romeo and Juliet below!
Us mom's like to think this would be a great picture to re-enact when they get married some day!
They are just so cute together!
(We (moms) are not THAT crazy..are we)

On this evening we had friends over for pizza and then an early evening bonfire with s'mores!
My most favorite part of the night was this:
When Bohde ate his s'more and had more on his hands, shirt, and face then in his mouth.
Then he walked to the side of our house where there is a leaf pile, fell in it,
and came out a leaf monster!
I was crying laughing so hard.
Love that kid.


Sunshine and Rainy days

This spring has been something else.
It's rained most every day, which makes one restless boy
and one crazy mom!
So whenever possible I send this boy outside with his rain gear on
with his dad to do yard work.
When the sun does decide to make an appearance
we rush to get off our rain gear (and apparently everything else
we have on)
to soak up those rays!
Now that it is officially SUMMER,
let's hope we see more sunshine and less gloomy raining days :)


Mother's Day & fish stories

Mother's day is always a fantastic day.
It's always been a day that is celebrated in my family with breakfast prepared by my dad for my mom.
Now the tradition continues with the boys all "helping" my dad prepare breakfast for all their lovelies :)
Jerod and Breck then worked on the yard, planting, and cleaning it up from the long winter.
Each year the boys pick out a new plant for our front yard and then I watch them plant it.
Breck is so proud of this and such a good helper to his dad.
Each and every time we go to Walmart we have to check out the fish.
We'll my sister is a pain in the butt
and decided he needed a couple of those fish! So here is...
ding and dong
fish and sticks
woody and buzz????
Non of these names were acceptable for Breck. To him they were just fish!
Maybe he knew not to get to attached to them by naming them,
as they died just a week later due to possible over feeding them...by some little monster!

Since grandma thought this was so funny that his aunt bought him fish,
we decided to buy her fish from the grand kids for mother's day ;)
Take that!
Too bad hers only made it two days (or so she says)

Happy belated Mother's Day to all those wonderful moms out there!