
Our little morph...

I took this from Amanda...thanks! It finally worked!
So according to http://www.morphthing.com/ this is what
mine & Jerod's image below.....
tells us what our little man will possibly look like!
I sure hope sooo
I think he's kinda cute!
look at those chocolate brown eyes!
Guess we'll find out in 109 days!
(I'm not excited or anything)


What brings me to tears...

well if you know me...ALOT of things!
Especially at this point in my life, with baby.

Melt down about a paint color caused me to melt on the floor of the
bathroom while Jeord laughed and said "you look beautiful" only to
look in the mirror and find mascara running down my face....causing
me to laugh at myself!
When I got my H1N1 shot and the nurse in training shot air in my arm
and brother in law tells me my hearts going to blow up, causing me to
hyperventalate in the car almost to pass out! wow...is all i can say now!
I know, I know, I cry over those dog gone Save An Orphan Animal Commericals
with Sarah Mclachlan singing in the background "In the Arms of An Angel"
gets me everytime.

Sorry people, I do applogize! But then you all wouldn't have things to laugh about
now would you!

No but really.
I just want to say that after crying over all these silly things, I really how selfish
it is.

I read NieNie (if you have done so, do! link below, and to understand her story
you have to go back about a year and a half) an AMAZING women, husband,
four children, and extended family who is recovering from a horrible plane
crash and even though she can't do EVERYTHING, she is wonderwomen!
and her sister CJane (also on a link below) wrote today how she misses her sister
who is recovering after more surgeries. I could reread a million times,
NieNie and CJanes' blogs and they just make me sob. So inspiring. Makes you
realize the important things in life. (not just picking out the wrong paint color,
getting the wrong yogurt :), or when family drives you nuts)!
Get over it..quick.

Family vaca in Duluth 4th of July 2009!
Think it needs to be done again!


My lil' mango!

How many weeks: 23 weeks and 3 days along

Belly measuring: 23 weeks

Heart beat: 150

Measurements according to food: Weighs about the size of a mango
(just over a pound)
and about 11 inches long!

Total weight gain: 2 pounds
I know right 2..2..2 She told me that I'm on NO restrictions and
I corrected her by saying YES I KNOW..
I EAT EVERYTHING IN SIGHT and am usually still hungry!

Favorite item of clothes: Besides pj's at 6:00pm
My black leggings
w/ dresses
w/ shirts
Just one of the four outfits that still fit comfortably!

Baby Kicks: ALL the time...especially at night! Love it!

Favorite food: Ummm EVERYTHING! My life revolves
around what my next meal will be...doesn't matter what it is!
Tonight the Ranch! Buffet style! Doctors orders :)

Progress on babies room: Zip..zero! Maybe Jerod and I can work
on it this weekend It's his first weekend not working in weeks/months!
Quality time!

Excitement for next appointment: Glucose screening
(drinking what I've been told a delicious orange mixture)
and my Rh- shot :(


And sooo it begins

The nursery!

I have finally decided that I must start decorating the room!
So first on the list...

Moving Jerod's "playroom" computers, books, and other "manly" things
down to the new office/bedroom

Paint~choosing the RIGHT color, which is hard for me bc I can't make decisions~

Making "old" furniture "new" ~ sanding & staining~

I'll give you hint on the room COLORS are Browns, Blues/Teals, and Greens!
PATTERNS many Poka Dots, Stripes, Whimsical Trees & Birds

volunteers welcome! just call or text!

One thing I'm SO excited for is the bedding! Mom has the blanket finished....
and I am SO excited to show everyone, but must wait till the room is finished!
I am SO lucky to have my mom make the blanket and such a great gift for baby
that we will have forever and ever!

A Much Needed...

Girls weekend!

A Saturday with mom, sister, aunt, cousin's, & friends!
It started drivin down to the cities to the Plymouth Playhouse to see
The Church Basement Ladies..Away In the Basement
~a late Christmas present from mom & birthday get together for my aunt~
If you ever have the chance to see it, I would recommend it!
A mix of old fashion traditional church ladies from Oh YAH betcha Minniesooota!

Dinner at the Bonfire, yummy food & the begining hours of drinks
me driving home
jamming with the cousin's to some Rod Steward & Poison!

Then to mom & dad's for a girls sleepover night!
Poor dad, we took over the house staying up till 2am playing games
Things & my made up game What IF...
Then home videos from 1990
~can you say I'm an ATTENTION hog at age 8 singing, dancing, with nappy
hair, a short coloful sundress, and a LARGE gap inbetween my two front teeth~
Wow, just happy I out grew MOST of that! and Glad I found a husband lOL!

Still to wake up at 8am
ate homemade carmel rolls yummm
said our goodbye's
then off everyone went!
Dad had our bags at the door..more then willing to help us bring them
to the car that morning!! To many girls for one man to handle!

What a wonderful weekend with the girls...till next time! xoxo


Explanation of music selection!!

So i've added some music to my blog page for yours & my listening pleasure!
I do have quite the variety I must say...
but that is I like my music, a little mixed up!
From Alicia Keys, Micheal Buble, Lady Gaga, Jack Johnson, DC talk,
Elton John & Billy Joel~ Seeing him in concert at the Fargo Dome
last summer was AMAZING~
It was a great time seeing Elton and Billy Joel with mom, aunt Sharon, Stacie,
Tracy, Angie, and myself! I sat nex to this husband and wife that were on high
on life, fun, and the concert buying me drinks all night long...what did I have to
do for these free drinks
They told me I could sit when I'm dead! Deal! What a fun night!

and now possibly seeing

Bon Jovi ~In March...wow! Attendees include Stacie, cousin's Tracy,
Angie, Lana, and a couple other friends!
Wasn't going to go bc when tickets were first discussed I was just pregnant
with MUCH sickness and thinking about a concert was out of the question!
I didn't think I would EVER want to leave the house again...then the thought
of attending a Bon Jovi concert uggggggg, so I gave up a ticket, but now...I'm
trying to get back in (cross your fingers it's a go) if not I will still go to drive and
pick up the super fans and just hang out~

Just hanging out with those crazy people up North makes for a fun time!
love them!

So the Bon Jovi playlist...is so I can be that super cool person at the concert that
knows the songs! Usually I would just get some drink courage which would help
me "think" I could dance...and make me "think" I knew the lyrics to the songs!
This may be alot of work for a


The JOYS of pregnancy!

This was our Christmas Card picture!

21 Weeks Along &
I LOVE everything about it so far
Especially the last few weeks!
I guess I can say that now, but ask me again in a couple weeks..months
& I may have changed my mind!

After the first few weeks of pregnancy & much morning sickness
EVERYTHING has been smooth sailing!
Tests results, ultra sounds, baby growth & my personal well being have been
PERFECT! So much relief after a ruff last year & complications!

Started shopping for baby,
Picking out paint colors,
Trying to agree on a name for the little guy
(Jerod suggested frankenstien till he can pick his own name!)
Lots of laundry already, but not quite sure if I'm ready to wash/dry & hang his bity
clothes on those bity hangers in his closet! Makes it so real....wow! Plus, there's time

Not so great things:
Any food + any drink = HEARTBURN day in/day out!
Backaches, but the plus is backrubs!
Cravings such as unlimited glasses of ICE water at night = many nightly trips to the bathroom

Great things:
The bulging belly! Now I don't look like just a chubby girl...you can tell I'm expecting!
AND I can finally feel him moving! It's been happening the last week at night, but
I wasn't quite sure if it was baby!
Well TODAY, RIGHT NOW, he is! I can feel him moving! It's a strange, wonderful,
indescribable feeling! (Not really the feeling that I read about and was waiting for)
Must be the daycare kids soothing naptime music! I acually bought it for baby...he must
already like it & the daycare kids too!
They said "were NOT tired" & thats why they fell asleep in five min! gotta love them!

Can't wait till he's kicking more so Jerod can feel him too!

Maybe I'm a little crazy about this little guy...but what do you expect it's my FIRST! xoxo


New Years

weekend at the cabin in Park Rapids!
and what a wild New Years it was!!
It was filled with.........
A delicious lasagna dinner prepared by the ladie
for thier lucky men!
After a day of fishing in the below zero temps causing numb fingers and toes!
A night of party hats, leis.....
and white grape sparkling champagne!
A belated 1st birthday party!
Games, games,
and more games! Best game...Things....
"Things you shouldn't say to your dad" gave us
much to laugh at!
great old friends,
new friends and good times!
And ended with kiss!
Not such a great picture or kiss...but at least I got one!

And the weekend ended with 4 out of 5 cars not starting!
Keeping us in Park Rapids for another week...just kidding
but would have been nice!

Happy 2010!! Hope yours was as good as ours!