
Tis the season

to pull practical jokes!
Mom, dad, and the Woods' family brought over this lovely blow
up santa while we were at an ugly sweater party!

We came home to santa staring at us through the window!
Oh how I love oversized Santa yard decorations!
Watch out...someone may be getting a special guest delivered to thier doorstep!

You better be good...Santa's Watching!

Some fun

or funny winter pictures!

it snowed, snowed, then snowed some more! I enjoyed spending time with the
nephew & neices playing outside in the fluff. All was well sledding down the
onto the lake until the sled flipped forward throwing Ellery head first into
the wet snow. . .

then tears & game over!

I just laughed . . .

I couldn't help it!


It's a . . . . .

BoY oh BoY!
We found out on Wednesday December 23rd that our little package due
for arrival {and according to the ultra sound & measurements is right on target}
May 15th is a very VERY very squirmy little boy! It was amazing to see our
little guy moving around like crazy...must have been all that Oj I drank that
morning! {I was told it gets the baby moving...and I wanted to make sure
baby wasn't cuddled up in a ball and we wouldn't be able to see it's little part
male or female} That wasn't the problem at all...he was so active the nurse
had problems getting all the pictures she needed!

"He's going to be a soccer player!"
I thought I was anxious to see an ultra sound, but acually I think it made
my baby fever worse...and want to meet our little monkey NOW!
Seeing his

toes, fingers...I just want to squeeze him!


An the RESULTS of the baby gender poll are....

even, 50/50, split down the middle!


~Had to post an Anne Geddes picture...to cute~

I guess we will find out the true results of the Barrick baby tommorrow!

Our Christmas Suprise!!

How am I going to sleep tonight knowing that at 8am we will be seeing our little one!
Please pray for a healthy baby, lots of pictures, and for little one to cooperate so we seeee everything!


The theme here....Chocolate!

People were asking for recipes so I thought it was easiest to post on here!
Just beware...you may want to eat them all,
but share!

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies
1c butter {2 sticks}
1c sugar
1c brown sugar
mix together then add:
2 eggs
2T milk
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
mix together then add:
1 1/2c flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2tsp salt
4c oatmeal
8oz chocolate chips {i added the whole bag..mmm..chocoalte!
375 for 13 min
These turned out awsome...best ones i've made...i guess they better be because usually
i buy premade in a bag and add eggs and butter! lol!
I also had one this a.m for breakfast, they have oatmeal in them so that makes them a
breakfast item right!

Here are my aunts Hersey Kiss truffles...they are to die for!
In pan mix:
12oz semi sweet chocolate chips
1/4c butter
5oz can of condensed milk {smallest can}
1tsp vanilla
Mix until melted
then add to:
2c flour
It will look like playdough!
Then take hershey kisses {any flavor, i used milk chocolate and mint truffle}
and take a small amount of dough, just enough to bury the kiss inside and make a ball.
Place on cookie sheet and bake.
350 for 7 min.
{they will feel doughy, but after they cool they get harder}
So back away from the cookie till cooled! I know it may be hard to do!

And Chocolaty Marshmellow Fudge
In sauce pan add:
3c sugar
3/4c butter
2/3c evaporated milk
bring to a boil stirring constantly for 5 minutes over medium heat
Remove from heat and add:
12oz semi sweet chocolate chips
7oz jar of marshmallow creme
1 tsp vanilla
1c chopped nuts {optional, and not used by this girl}
Line a 13x9 baking pan with tinfoil coming up the sides
Pour, let cool, eat, eat, eat!
Happy Cookie Exchange!


Cookie Monsters

Cold winter day outside....
Warm oven inside with a bizillion batches of cookies!
I love baking, but decided after almost 2 hours at the grocery store
that shopping for supplies isn't so much fun.
After arriving home. Unloading bags. I decided I needed a rest.
my WHOLE day of baking began around 3 o'clock!
Just in time for my little helper to arrive!
And what a great helper he was...including helping his aunt eat them
along with goofin' around!
We had the Christmas tunes cranked up singing to "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer"
talked about what we wanted for Christmas. Calvin said "I want a telescope, so I can
look at the earth" and delivered our freshly baked goods to the neighbors. I had changed
into comfy clothes {stretchy pants} for baking {and eating} and before we left to run
to the neighbors houses Calvin says "are you really going to wear that!" And so those
manly comments begin at age 4, good thing he's too cute.
And the end result...yummy chocolate heaven!

And a face full of chocolate, a big grin, and full tummy!



I couldnt' have asked for a better weekend with friends, family, and my husband.
hmm. maybe for it to warm up a bit, but we do live in Minnesota.
Jerod & I spend some much needed time together this weekend starting with
a day of Christmas shopping! How did I convince him to go along with this I'm not
quite sure myself, but whatever it is I cross my fingers it continues in my favor!

After letting time get away, rushing home, shower, dress, we were off to a BEAUTIFUL
evening winter wedding! I'm suprised myself how good of a time I had, yes watching
everyone sip on cocktails and dance the night away, but couldn't have been much better
hanging out with good friends....and FuNny conversations that shouldn't be repeated. I'm
starting to like this no drinking/sober cab thing! Blackmail people blackmail! Only thing
that got me thinking was..do I really act/sound like that when "I" have a couple?! ha!

Out till 1am ish which used to be early back in day, up at 8am because why would I want
to sleep in when I can, off to Church to watch Miss Ellery sing in the Joful Noise choir. It
was great!
After church the family went to visit Grandpa Erv for thier Christmas open house with
awsome music {can't remember the families name...but WoW} treats galore, and time
with grandpa. On the way home we discussed how talented that families was with i
nstruments, voices, and rythm, and decided us "Smiths" really got jipped! We got nothin'!

Busy weekend equals lazy Sunday evening starting with pj's at 3 o'clock! Jerod and I
sat around all afternoon cuddled in blankets him glued to to football games and me
editing our soon to be Christmas cards with little help from J. Not even sure he's sure
what he agreed on! All I can say is I'm Lucky to have the people I have!



On the FaRm...
Saturday afternoon on the old Farm.
aking our way through the woods exploring.
Inquiring children learning about the farm days.
Trudging through the fresh snow.
Helping cut down the perfect tree {ones we planted many years ago with grandpa}
Five arms reaching around the large old tree.
sking a million question. "What did you think of the old house"...."creepy"
Riding Uncle Zach's old orange tractor.
Many great memories.

HolidaZZle Parade!

Girls Night Out On the Town....
started with meeting a good friend I went to college with and some shopping!!
Great to catch up on eachothers busy lives.
Then dinner at Champ's....
and if it wasn't entertaining enough with five conversations that had us all
laughing like the order of minimal turkey on a pita, there was the T-wolves
dancers giving away tickets to tonights game. And guess who won! Lucky
Shannon got us five tickets near the front of the court! So off to the parade first...

{First timers}

{and again..us gals}

{Meghan I enjoying the choir}

{Then Meghan...being Meghan..."oh Meghan"}
{They must have planned winning those tickets, they wore the T-Wolves colors}
Then a quick stop at the Timberwolves game...
Acually we went to see the dance teams perform and throughout the game
there was these tall guys...Gomes and Love...who were wearing these blue
jersey's with wolves on them throwing around an orange ball??!!??
It was a great day hanging out with the girls...doesn't happen as much as
we would like, but lifes busy! and I'll end it with...
"Nice meeting you today"
"But we have met a million times"!



Many things are changing all around me!
Mostly all for the good although some would agrue that when it comes to {snow}

It finally begining to feel like Christmas as the snow began to fall
yesterday and waking up to a fresh layer of white fluff! Still wish there was
enough to make a snowman for my front yard, but this is where patients
comes in....
My perfect winter day woud be a wintery blizzard where all a working are
sent home, schools closed, and the ONLY thing to do is snuggle up in a
blanket, with a cup of cocoa, bag of popcorn, and a good movie {home alone anyone}!
Why would that be any different then my Sunday's at home...
Oh because those usually include 7 three year olds learning bible stories
from yours truely & sissy Stacie {who are also learning each week with them}
then home for pj's and football, football, football there could NEVER be time
slot between games for a good flick! Oh well...I'll keep dreaming! I still love the snow!

Then there's my growing baby!
I can't help but think about it 95% of my day because I have waited for this for
so long and after much patients we are finally going to have a little Jerannah of
our own! {no that is not an option for a name even though it begins with J} You
will have to wait till his/her birthday to find out that one! Every day it's
becoming more and more real especially when my clothes become more and
more snug yet to the eye of others I beleive I just look like I put on holiday weight.
I can't wait till i start to show...really SHOW...but until then I have to stay
patient. And it you know me: IT's DiffiCult! I don't keep any secrets, suprises,
gifts, a secret! That is why I can't wait to find out in a couple weeks if I will be
decorating for our little girl or baby boy. Of course with the help of my mom
and sister who have ideas coming out of thier ears...and thier handy
sewing, knitting, scrapbooking skills in which I haven't picked up yet,
I have one lucky little baby that is going to have an awsome room and spoiled
rotten with love from all!

And...I'm so happy, proud, excited to have accepted a postion
with the County as the 4-H Program Coordinator starting December14th! I will
be working part time there as well as continuing part time daycare in my home!
It works out perfect, doing two things I love {well I am positive I will love my
new position} according to the prior Program Coordinator and a great friend of
mine who is taking time off to be with her growing family and baby due
March 9th/my birthday...ok thats a little early...she is due April 1st and I know
our babies will be good friends and hopefully wont' take after thier mothers
..land themselves in In-school {just for cutting class to get some subway,
nothing BaD bAd}...and left in the theater all day without lunch!
{thats another story for another day, let just say, I cried...AloT ask the counselor}
I couldn't have asked for a better job: Children, County, 4-H, Programs,
Coordinator, equal P-E-R-F-E-C-T! So wish me luck with all this change and
I will keep you posted! xoxo