
Oh how time flies...

when we are having fun!

A year flew by and now your ONE!

and this is how we have celebrated

{we have had MANY days of celebration. I am waiting on pictures for some of them}

This is:

Birthday day 26th & the day after 27th

The morning of his birthday we started off by eating fresh strawberries

and for dessert a bit of great g'ma's brownies!

Then bubble bath time!

Splish splash...

Breck loves the bath...so it was a treat for him to take a bath

and for me to have a fresh & most delicious smelling little boy

isn't that the best snuggle time!

Then I had to get some snap shots of my special boy on his special day!

He had fun playing with the balloons {look at that face..so excited}

he didn't even mind the tie {at first}

then our photo shoot was over and on to the next activity for the day!

Our road trip to Mankato:

It was a cold, windy, rainy day

so we took off in the car to visit Mankato for the day.
First stop was to have lunch together at Erberts & Gerberts! Just me and my boy! I think it might have been our first lunch date...hopefully it will continue until he's to embarrassed to be out with his mother!

Then to my old work place, the daycare! It was so fun to visit with old friends

and Breck LOVED playing with all the kids and the tons of new toys!

Never enough time to visit and so hard to leave

Then to ISJ hospital to surprise the Selly family!

We went to visit the new addition to their family Miss Liana {pictures to come}

It was a wonderful visit...hard to say goodbye!

Then home we headed:

It worked perfect,

morning nap in the car there...

afternoon nap in the car home...

my perfect traveler!

Breck's buddy Cooper & future co-troublemaker

We got home in time to have dinner

then some friends stopped over to have DQ cake with us!

And of course play some more!

Breck was ready for bed early...

and slept like a rock!

It's hard turning ONE!


Day 2 of being ONE!

We woke up to play with all our new toys

including this bus from his friend Paizli!

He loves it

probably because it's noisey :)

We had homemade pizza for lunch

{our very own personal pan}

I made another one with extra pepperoni & bacon for Jerod for supper

since I will be going out for dinner with my sister and friends to celebrate her birthday

with margaritta's & mexican food

and if your familliar with Carlito's {maybe a bit of free entertainment}!

Then we went for a wagon ride!

Our new wagon is the best....

even if it was raining on us as we went around the block

nobody complained!

Don't worry

I have a TON more pictures of the birthday party


official ONE year pictures!


Happy BIrthday

to my sweet
little boy.

ONE years OLD
O only you have made this the best year of my life!
N nobody told me I could love someone so much!
E everyone is so lucky to have you..especially ME!


 Happy "Red Friday" everyone!
Red Friday represents supporting the Troops
and I am really excited to be part of an event being held in Litchfield for the troops and their families
As part of my position as the 4-H After school Program Coordinator in Meeker County
I will be at the
  Litchfield National Guard Armory for their open house event May 21st 9-4
I will be putting together events and running the program for OMK {Operation Military Kids}
Minnesota Operation: Military Kids provides support for youth from military families through different types of programs throughout Minnesota
Exciting huh!
{more details to come}

And Breck is wearing his red again to show his support too!
More exciting news:
I STILL may get to see my beloved Elton John in concert!
No...I didn't win tickets like I had hoped {thank you all that tried to help me win} but,
I might be going to Vegas to see him at Cesar's Palace
along with a girls weekend vacation in VEGAS baby!
Still trying to hammer out the the details:
a). get tickets this time before they run out: They go on sale MONDAY!
b). figure out hotel accommodations...come on Becky, pull through for us!! no pressure.
c). save money for flight and fun money
I'll be checking these off as they fall into place...because I KNOW they will this time! It's meant to be!

This "cool dude" is turning ONE on Tuesday
so we are celebrating Saturday with a barbecue with friends and family!
We have soooo much to do
and the weather soooo needs to cooperate!

Wish us luck
and guess what...
I'll post pictures :)

Our lovely mornings together...

 starts a day like this..

sleep in
 {most of the time}
meaning 7:45 :)

bottle and snuggle
{in mom's bed}

crawling, slapping,
kissing {slobbering}
on mom until we get up to go play

watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and sip on milk {we are 100% on whole milk now}
He's loving it..
and so is our checkbook!

 Then it's time to play!  Today we sat and chewed on our feet for a good twenty minutes...a great teething toy? 

Breck is the man of a thousand faces and expressions.
Keeps me laughing.

 Then it was time for a nap
He is a wonderful napper...
sleeps for a couple hours
and lays right down without a fuss
Then he woke up to the kids there after school
not sure if its a good thing or bad
but they sure do have fun playing
and again, dressing him up like their little doll!


crazy hair day...

yes, more pictures of Breck eating
but it's the only time I can get semi-decent pictures of him
because he is always on the go.
And when he sees me take out the camera...he runs! ha ha..crazy mom!
but, my questions is...

when? do you give your "baby" his first hair cut?
because then they turn into a toddler :( sad.
See those wings on the side?
and a mullet in the back?
and food that gets rubbed in the hair?

Time for a cut?
when did YOU give your "baby" a first hair cut?
I wanna know.

uh ohhhhhhhhh...


This little boy
spaghetti in any form...
spaghetti, spaghetti o's, ravioli

just like his dad {it's his favorite food & could eat it day & night}

And every time we have this for dinner
it's bubble bath time!
{as you can see he eats it naked {besides his diaper...easy clean up}
and the funniest part is
that his face get's stained orange!!

A SpRiNg teaser....

 This weekend we spent some time outside in the warm sun cleaning up the yard and getting prepared for Breck's 1st birthday barbecue party this coming Saturday! So Jerod & Breck raked the yard....
 in between playing!
Not sure how much they really got done {not nearly enough}
 but this little boy was so happy to be playing outside & helping his dad
JUST look at that grin!
{peeking in at me through the window}
then today: winter came back for a quick visit!
We are praying for nice weather for Saturday {according to the weather guy 56 & sunny}
because we have 30 guest coming to help us celebrate!
Including a barbecue and egg hunt...putting this crazy lady in planning overload!!
I secretly love planning this stuff & just ACT overwhelmed.


 Last night Jerod and I had a date to the Litchfield Community Youth Theater to watch Willy Wonka Jr. starring our very own Miss Ellery as an oompa loompa

A proud day for this aunt
because19 years ago
was on stage as an oompa loompa!

It was fun...cute..and recommend seeing it if you can. Due to the amazing demand for tickets LCYT has added a fourth (4th) performance Saturday April 16th at 4:30pm! Tickets are General Admission ONLY and will go on sale at 4:00pm Saturday in the LHS lobby! Get there early to ensure your spot; but you will not be allowed to enter until 4pm!

Today is Friday. And thank God for that.  What a long week.
The weather Monday was 71 degrees and sunny...
we walked around the lake!
The weather today is 45 degrees and snowy, rainy, windy...
soooooooooo what did we do all day?
we wore RED for red Friday to support the troops

We played all morning & afternoon long
I chased him..he laughed
we wrestled {as much as this mom wrestles}
played with the see n' say, laughing at the animal noises {or his mom imitating the sounds}

Then it was time for a snooze ....
a boy needs his rest so he can go play with his buddies tonight
and a mom needs some time to be lazy, watch a movie, blog, and get ready to play cards with friends tonight!


So we read some books together
then fell fast asleep
And this is why we LOVE gloomy
Friday afternoons :)
Happy weekend all!


two hands..two toys

He loves to carry around his toys
and I have noticed that he has favorites
{although it changes monthly/weekly}
I think it's funny he FINDS them every morning
and plays with them till bedtime.

This morning he had BOTH of his favorite toys in BOTH of his hands!

this months toy is this:
a rattle that Grandma Nina had at her house for him to play with
and it ended up at our place
{I'm assuming because he liked it so much and wouldn't let go of it when he was there visiting
..he's got a death grip}
The best part of this toy is that it was a toy from when her boys were little..
one of Jerod's toys!
to cute.

Then there's this favorite
a toy giraffe he received as a baby gift from his Great-Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin
He has loved this toy for months.
Sometimes I hide it from him and use it as a special toy for when he "needs" it
such as when we are walking
and he is getting fussy and we have a couple blocks left to get home
I pull out the giraffe!
and he's happy again :)

little bruiser...

Yesterday was 71 degrees out...yippeee
and our first walk around the lake
{not sure my legs were quite ready for it, but we made it}
When we got back to our start point at my parents house
Breck NEEDED out of his stroller & to RUN!
So grandpa Tom gave him a broom to play with
and as he laughed, played, pushed that broom around in circles
he little legs couldn't keep up and he went head first
into the gravel!
And after crying & bleeding for about two minutes
he went right back to the broom to play some more!
{as his nose kept bleeding}
tough boy!
This morning it's even more red then yesterday
along with some purple bruising
and I also notice he has a scratch on his forehead
and a cut on his lip.
But he doesn't mind.
And I realize it won't be his first or his
last bump, scratch, bruise.
He's boy for gosh sakes!