
MY idea of a book club...

In the last half a year I have read a handful of books
passed back n' forth between a couple of us ladies.
My favorite place to find books amazon.com!
I know, you can rent them from the library for free....
well for most of you, I tend not to renew them, return
them, resulting in a fee! :(

The best part about all these books
is that we find books that will be made into movies!
No discussion, just read a book, see the movie, eat
the popcorn and enjoy girl time out!
Some of the recent book/movies we have seen include:
The Notebook
Nights in Rodanthe
Secret Life of Bees
My Sister's Keeper
Of course the Twilight series...love, love, love!
{Release date March 20th Happy Birthday to ME!}
The Time Travelers Wife
{Released this Tuesday}
Dear John!
{Two hours of Channing..yummy}
and they have all been WONDERFUL!
Can't even compare book to movie! Recommend them
all if you haven't read them yet!
Next on my to read then book club night list is
The Lovely Bones & The Last Song!

Sad part is most nights I have no plans, besides the scheduled
t.v show that are a must, can't miss, part of my weekly routine!
But by the time I crawl into bed
I'm just toooooo tired and zonk out before I can turn the page
I'm to distracted and fascinated by little man kicking me
{he seems to start at 9p and last ALL night long}
My energy level has gone from zero to one-hundred-and this
last month-back to zero!
I have heard that life only gets more crazy after baby,
but I WILL find time for BOOK CLUB!


  1. I read Marley and Me when I was pregnant and bawled my eyes out! I have yet to watch the movie! But the book is EXCELLENT! Just make sure you have a box (or five) of kleenexes.

  2. Hannah... I would rather want chocolate than cleaning supplies. Sometimes I think 'what harm will just one lick do... seriously'.

    And you will still have time for book club... for sure. Although I haven't read a bood since college. Kinda true.

    Can't wait for Friday! Kim has not called me back but I am sure she will!!
