
30 weeks!

Baby boy Barrick is now 30 weeks!
Getting closer, makes me get a little more nervous, but happily anxious!

Gained 4 lbs total weight gain 12 lbs
~feel like i've gained 1 billion...today is a chub day, but you'll have that~

Baby measuring exactly 30 weeks

Heard his heart beat...StRoNg 148-150 bpm
~and krate chopped the doctor as she was pushing on him~
Told her that's what he does ALL night long
Now all day too...when he's not pokin' my ribs!

After my apt and EVERYTHING checking out PERFECT
doctor told me to get used to the
pressure, backaches, headaches, and on and on and on...
"these are the JOYS of being 7 months pregnant"!

But still..LOVE it..and I have a feeling I may be saying this till the bitter end.
I feel so fortunate to be healthy and starting my very own family.

Ultra sound on Thursday morning.
My doctor is the best! and wants the best for us! So making sure everything is ok!
Jerod and I are excited to see our little man who's grown since 20 weeks!


  1. love it!
    soooo close! :)
    take care and hopefully see you soon, friday?!

  2. Oooh lucky duck! Another u/s! Enjoy!
