
Baby Blues!

I just can't get enough of his BLUE eyes!
I know, I know, they may change in the next couple months...
but right now I can brag about his blues!
They melt me.

Breck is now 1 month old. Wow. That went by way to fast....
wish I felt that way when I was carrying him.
Some of the things you do:
  • You are finally sleeping 4 hours at a time
I enjoy this during the wee hours of the night...but during the day I wait for you to squeek so I can pick you up!
  • You are drinking up to 6oz at a time

whoaa. slow down little fellow, your getting so BIG you are wearing some 3-6 month clothes (mostly for your lenght...like your dad) but those cheeks...mmm..i love them!

  • You are coooing & smiling

when we talk to you talk back to us & that smile...oh that smile...& dimples!

  • You love to sleep with us ;) I know...bad.

when snuggled in bed, you can sleep, sleep, & sleep! I love when you curl up in a ball with me while putting your hands on the side of my face, & zzzzzzzzzzzz My favorite!

  • You have such BIG eyes in which you love to keep an eye on things around you

you were watching uncle TyTy while he talked to you & when he walked away you followed him! you just started watching your mobile & toys!

  • You continue to pee EVERYTIME we change your diaper

I have learned to take your diaper off...then put it right back on to let you do your thing. Dad on the other hand, well lets just say you have a new outfit on everytime dad changes you!

Your weight 8 pounds 10 ounces

1 comment:

  1. He is getting so big, and so cute! Can't wait to see him again!
