
Lazy Wednesdays!

So as my schedule goes with work & doing very part time
daycare this fall...
I have WEDNESDAYS off.
I get to enjoy the day with just me & my lil guy!
So what did we do today you ask?
We slept in...layed in bed & watched tv while snuggling,
ran errands (the never ending grocery store, bank, post office)
picked up grandma and ran her errands :)
Then home for a nap!
I love to watch him sleep...he's so sweet.

He's VERY sleepy today, I think from his shots yesterday.
He woke up fussing after a two hour nap, but refused to open
his eyes! I changed his pants and he went straight back to sleep.
I should be/could be napping with him, but feel i should get some
things done around the house before the weekend.
One thing on my list to do is this:

Yes, I'm going to TRY to make my own baby food.
I'm all about TRYING new things and if they don't work out
no big deal...at least I tried. So here is my first batch of baby food
CaRRoTS and PeaCHeS mmmm, mmmm, mmm!
Lets hope he likes!
It was SO easy.
And it saved us about $20.00! and its FRESH!er!
I know! MOM of the YEAR ;)


  1. Way to go Mom of the Year! I'm excited to make my own baby food too! We can share "recipes"! And I love the song...

  2. I made my own baby food up until about a month ago. I've got a few great recipes if you ever want them! And yes, it is so easy to do. A friend had a bunch of extra baby jars and I ended up just putting the baby food into those. For me, it was just as easy as putting the food into the ice cube trays. Good luck and have fun!
