
Happy 1/2 birthday!

Breck James Barrick is 6 months OLD
no way!

6 months ago you were born:
you needed me ALL the time
you slept alot
you ate very little
you had lots of black hair and blue eyes
you weighed 6lbs 9 oz 19.5 inches long
you wore size newborn clothes
you are independent
you want to move and try so very hard to crawl
you roll. you sit. you play.
Try to hold you...and you squirm!

you sleep very little.
you take three little naps 10am 2pm 6pm
you sleep from 8:30pm till 7:30 am (most of the time)
you eat. ALOT.
you love fruits and veggies.
you eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner along with your bottle 6oz of milk
you lost all your black hair and are now growing new hair that is much lighter
you STILL have bright blue eyes
your weight 19 lbs. 68th % you started of in the 24th%
your height is approx. 28 inches 87th% you started off in the 43rd%
you wear 6-12 month clothing!
you are longer in the torso "Barrick side" and wear 6-12 month shirts/onesies
shorter in the legs "Smith side" and CAN wear 3-6 month pants
and we LOVE every minute of YOU
Happy 1/2 birthday sweet boy!

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