
Countdown to Christmas....

9 days till Christmas!
today I was suppose to be
at work at 8 a.m but didn't arrive till
close to 9 a.m!
I came outside to LOTS of new SNOW
a neighbor stuck in his
driveway with our other neighbor
trying to shovel him out! I thought
hmm I'll go see how I can help
AFTER I pull out of my driveway.
what do ya know...
I got stuck!
They look at me and wave! I'm
SO EMBARRASSED! So they come hook up a rope, pull me out, no problem. So then I say
how can I help you guys! (since he couldn't hook a tow rope up to his car) they asked me to drive while they push...no problem....until I realize I have to jump over the passenger side seat since the drivers door is to close to a snowbank! Ohhh what a show!
But we all got out!

And the picture above...is the love of my life!
his cute chubby cheeks, his little dimples, even his chapped chin from all his drooling (poor baby)
make it hard to leave for work.

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