
A gigle a day...

keeps the doctor away!!

Since he had his tubes put in last Friday

he has been a VERY happy boy!

Laughing more...yes more then he did, impossible you say, i know right!

talking more...says da da da, high pitch screams, and funny noises!

playing more...so much that he only wants two naps a day, a good thing!

and sleeping more...all through the night!

And the craziest thing {to us} is that he hears better

and we know this because he now

gets scared of noises

{tape ripping off a box/bath water running/dad blowing his nose..scares me too ;)}


  1. ahhh - thanks for making my day, once again. ;)

  2. HAHAHAHA ohhh I love the laughs! What a cute dad to make him laugh.

    Ohh my gosh....I loved how you made mention to Jerod blowing his nose and scaring Breck!!! Luke does the same exact thing.....scares me too also!!! hahahahahahaha I'm glad to know it's not just my husband. I don't know where all that blow power comes from, but I don't like it!!
