
Little Miss L

Here is my sweet pea.
I just love her cheekers,
as they grow and grow!
Her personality is shining through.
She is sweet.

She is so lucky to have these two love her up ALL the time.

She is already my girly girl.
Nails pink!

She enjoys the outdoors.
Not really.
She screams because she can't move with all the layers,
then sleeps.

She loves to sit up and look around. Just lately has started hanging in her bouncer!
Chewing on everything she can get her little hands on!

She was in a photo shoot.
These photos will be displayed in a local clinic, along with sent in for a photo contest!
So fun.

Spoiled by grandmas.
They are constantly making things for her.
Here is a hat from grandma Shirley and fingerless gloves from grandma Nina!

Little miss mom and my future sitter!

A cute hat from her great aunt Sharon!! So sweet.

Love those chubby fingers.
Why are they so sweet when they sleep...I could take a million pictures of my babies sound asleep!

She loves her pink! 
Breck loves his blue.
These are special blankets given to them by their great grandma, a tradition going on since we were babies are selves.

Sleeping baby girl in her spunky outfit.
I just love dressing my girly

And that smile.
It gets me every time :)

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