
warm fall dayz

I love today, yesterday, and the whole week
the weather has been great...warm days with a nice cool breeze

We have ALL the windows open smelling the fresh air
and in the mornings we have to snuggle in our blankets because of the cool air.
But i wake up every morning, get Breck and we snuggle in bed till the very last
minute is up and i have to get ready for the day.
And the view.
I wake up to a sight of a trees. Trees of yellow and orange.
I love fall.

Today the kids played outside. They WANTED to rake my leaves

to (of course) JUMP in.
But really they were helping me rake our piles and piles of leaves.
ANd while they were busy "working" playing,
this is what Breck and I did.

Then we let Breck experience his first FALL.
He just laid there listening and watching the crunchy leaves around him.

Until his cousin's thought it was funny to cover him up

and they accidentally landed on his face.
I LIVE for this time of year.
Happy Fall.

*Last year I was pregnant and not feeling well so I didn't have to help
This year, Jerod bought me my very own rake. How kind of him :)

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