
the weekend report...

Friday night we took a trip to Maple Grove to get Breck's crib refund $$.
We invited Ellery to join us so she could entertain Breck in the seat
since he LOoooves car rides ;(
After a trip to BabiesRus & Olive Garden for dinner we headed home.
I drove there, Jerod drove home.
he took a "short cut" (they say you marry someone like your dad...it's true)
taking us about two hours to get home!
I was so mad. tired. and we had two sleeping babes in the back seat.
So he said he would drive fast to get home quicker.
Fast to Jerod means 59mph.

ohhhhhhhh slow down!!!
And thats what he did.
Dang rule follower.
Ellery says from the back seat "next time Hannah should drive" ha!

Saturday my reunion!
It was a hit. Great time!
Got the chance to see old classmates...but man does that make me feel old.
Felt better when I went to lunch today and high school girls were filling up
thier drinks...one turned around and started talking to me, thinking it was
her friend. She was so embarrised to be talking to an old fart (me)
but made me feel good...ahhhhhhhh ten years younger ;)
Hope to see more of our classmates at the 15 or 20 year reunion...
gosh don't let that come TO soon though...

Sunday recover.
We are old. and can't do this anymore.
we bummed around ALL day. Family time, much needed.
"I love my food..in my eyes, nose, hair, EVERYWHERE"

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