
I learned

SO much this month
{7 months old}
I learned to army crawl {first}
and now I'm crawling {hands n' knees} everywhere!
I got my first tooth {one day}
and the second one {the next day}
I learned to say baba, bobob {at the beginning of the month}
and now I'm saying mama {by the end of the month/just in time for Thanksgiving}
I learned to eat big boy foods {kind of} such as puffs
and now I can feed myself {most of the time} and grab everything including my pacifier
I learned to pull up on things {toy buckets, Jerod, Me}
and now I do it all the time {but tip over ALOT..good thing he's not to far up;)}
And Celebrated my first Thanksgiving!

I'm FUN. Lots with lots of personality!

1 comment:

  1. i have your puffs! elly stashed them in our cupboard!! they are waiting in there safely until we return them to you. :) hope you haven't been missing them!
