

Woke up EarlY this morning...
before the sun was even up.
I think I'm to anxious to get on the road to Mankato.
Stop and see the people of Schmits Meat Market, and get some delicious
Wisconsin Summer Sausage
(if you get a chance to stop in Nicollett, check out the market, you won't be disappointed)
Stop and see old co-workers, and BABIES at Trinity
And for the Selly Wedding...events starting tonight!

Bad part about this: I will be exhausted by five, ready for bed by nine
but HAVE to and WANT to stay up with the bride, bridesmaids, and friends
tonight at the hotel...as the "night before the big day, girls night, pig out, game night"
pig out, not so sure anyone else will be partaking in that, but I will be ;) Lets just
hope my bridesmaids dress still fits...getting a little snug around the tummy!
Good part about this: I heard the birds siiiiiiiinggggggg! Does this mean SprinG
is on it's way? Lets hope so soon. It also means baby will be here soon too :)

Here is a picture that is going in the nursery...seems to fit this blog well!
The theme...whimsical bird/trees
Thanks Stacie for the find.
Can't wait to post pictures, if we EVER get it done! Need more time, busy, busy, busy!

But all I can say is ThInK sPrInG.

1 comment:

  1. I love this theme so much.. have you seen the owl prints at Target?! - I bet that would go well with that!
