
Oh, the joys of potty training...

Breck will be three in April,
and I was hoping to add a check off potty trained by that time!
But I think he has other ideas...one being to try his mothers patients.

He has been so off and on about potty training for over a year..
at one point I though uh ha, we got it! Then the next day...a no go.
I feel like I have tried everything (but willing for more suggestions), as charts,
working up to a big prize, small treats, pretending to not care, giving it time, buying new Cars underpants, watching others go potty....
and the list goes on...

I am truly not "worried" about it,
but just feel like if he can 
a). dress himself
b). take off his diaper to bring me a new one when it's wet
c). hides when he goes potty
Its time.

Here is a picture of Breck in his undies.
As you can tell, he dressed himself.
Inside out. Backwards. And to small.

Since he prefers to take off all his clothes the moment he gets home from daycare or anywhere...
I decided I better get him some unders that fit.
So there we go to the store to pick some up and of course I go up a size since his size (pic above) are apparently to small :)

As soon as we get home we put them on (over a diaper for nap time)
and find they are a tad to big :)
So now he just looks like a big goof.
he has used the potty more then usual,
so we'll take that.
AND just as I say that...
we have wet through our unders and pants!

Patient mother of a potty training toddler


  1. ohh my gosh... love those undies, especially the too small pair!! haha I'm glad to know that someone else's child removes their clothes as soon as they get home too. I can't keep clothes on my kids, but when visitors come we at least try to enforce putting pj's on (like it's a special treat or something!). Good luck in potty training some more!

  2. Oh Hannah, we were the same way for so long. I did a lot of online reading and we did this 7 day trial. We didn't leave the house or do anything for 7 days. Just kept the undies on the entire time... pullups at night. It was a mess and it wasn't the funnest time of our lives. We did the 7 day thing twice, obviously the second time worked better. Good luck!!! :) I feel your pain of losing patience.
